The last Remnanst

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A single light flickers in and out of excistance, It's the last remnants of a since then long death civilisation wiped out of existance billions of years before.
It was once a planet, vaguely resembling earth, the fauna that resided there on a once flourishing planet, those no longer exist, long since overtaken by desert's and dry lands, the water slowly evaporates, dvindling into nothing.
A planet once covered mostly with vast sea's and forest is now dying.
Thunderstorms and sandstorms; a never-ending battle to remove the last remnants of life; One piece at a time.
the creatures that once walked this planet grew to bold and self righteous. and thought themselves better, than what they thought was lower creatures; Soulless and heartless beast.
But who where the truly heartless ones.

Was it the creatures roaming around.
only eating or killing to survive.
never taking more than what they needed.

OR Was it the onces who started.
killing for sport.
Speading like an infestation, cutting down living habitats, making the other creatures go extinct at an alarming pace.

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