The Forest

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the pitter patter of rain hitting the leaves above, the sound of the wind ruffling them gently.
Nothing else was to be heard at this midnight hour in the forest.
She slowly opened her eyes, gazing out from her hiding spot.
There was and eerie feeling in the forest, like the calm before the storm.
She gently shook her fur, shaking it free of the rain droplet's collected in it.
Slowly standing up from her self made bed of moss and leaves, she stood and gracefully started to strech her body out, making sure to wake every muscle in her body, before slowly trotting out into the forest, searching for her breakfast.
Coming to a quick halt she turned around shaking her head and walked back to her bed.
She bend her front legs and started to nudge the small bundle rolled tightly together.
The small fawn didnt budge from the safe spot though, the mother nudged it harder and finally convinced her fawn to stand up.
It stumbled for a bit, before finding its balance for the first time in its young life.
Only a couple of hours old and the fawn marveled over the feelings and smells of the forrest.
Its home to protect for future generations when his time comes to be.

The new protector of the forest where born.

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