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Where the sea and sky meet the vast grasslands, where the trees grow tall and strong.
The rocks and mountains break free of the soil, trying to reach for the sun.
This is the place where your mind runs free, imagining all that could be.
You might see a dragon soaring in the sky,
or feel the vibration from Fenrir's walking.
While you're looking out over the sea,
you might see mermaids basking in the sun,
or Jörmungandr biting his tail.
but remember to be aware of the Siren's Song designed to make you fall to Your demise.
Be quick and let go of the treacherous thoughts of everyday problems,
and hear the soft melody played by the Faun,
Watch how the Fairy's and Nymphs all let's go, dancing and singing in joy.
Look to the left what Is hiding right there,
it slowly hops out from under the bush,
the Jackalope Mother with her kittens emerge.
Enjoying the peace once more

~remember this place and seek refuge here,
where fantasies once more becomes real.

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