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in the stillness off the night;
all your troubles comes to light.
this is where your inner demons fight;
with the angels over who holds the might.

your demon's holds your hidden fears;
one's you doesn't even know is there.
they feast off all that triggers your fear;
on everything that makes angers your mind.

they treasure and nurture these ideas;
whispering off every bad thoughts.
they wish is for you to act on these;
cause when you do the demon's power grows.

they angels treasure all off what is pure;
the godness off your heart and soul.
all you do to help and benefit the god of others;
everything that nurtures the environment.

helping and guiding you through lifes hard decisions;
doing what they can to keep you smiling.
they wish for you to reach your happiness;
cause happiness is the key to their success.

each new day a new battle begins;
it starts in your dreams in the darkest off night.
when your body and mind is at its most vulnerable state;
and your most deceptive for their suggestions.

all that you do decides who wins or who lose;
in this eternal battle of your mind your thoughts.
so feed the one you truly wish for to win;
and let the game of your happiness finally begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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