♡ Easter Day ♡

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(Heyy! Sorry this is late, mates. Though, I think the idea I have for this is adorable! This is Bench Trio with their children on Easter! Hope you enjoy <3)

(Chapter is: I believe all of it is fluff!)

(I don't believe there are any CWs/TWs, please let me know if there are any!)

(Defo not proof read, so point any mistakes out please! Thank you :] )

(Enjoy <33 )
Ranboo was awakened by Michael shaking them, Michael seeming very excited over something.

"Hey, Michael.. What's up, bud?" Ranboo said in end's raspy morning voice.

Michael responded in Piglin. "Easter! It's Easter!" They said very excitedly, basically bouncing.

While Michael was being all bouncy, Tubbo was woken up.

"Boo? What time is it?" Tubbo asked, Ranboo looking at the clock and seeing it was around 9 in the morning.

"It's about nine in the morning, hon." Ranboo responded, Tubbo nodding while waking up a little more.

"Papa! It's Easter!" Tubbo looked in confusion before realizing what they're probably talking about.

(Forgot to mention, no, they still don't know piglin.)

"Ah.. Boo, love, it's Easter." Tubbo said, sitting up while streching.

"Ohh.. we really need Techno to teach us Piglin.." Ranboo said, sitting up as well.

"Why don't you go help Shroud wake Tommy up, honey?" Tubbo asked Michael, Michael nodding and running off.

"Hey Boo, did you set the Easter baskets up last night?" Tubbo asked, starting to get out of bed.

"No.. wasn't that your job?" Ranboo asked, them realizing they've probably fxcked up.

"Ah shxt..." Tubbo cursed.

"I'm sure Tommy didn't, though you never know." Tubbo said, starting to pick clothing out from the closet.

"Mind grabbing me some clothes? I need to find my book real quickly." Ranboo asked, starting to look around for his memory book.

"I don't mind, boss man." Tubbo said, starting to grab Ranboo some clothing.

"A-hah!" Ranboo said, grabbing something from under the bed.

"Found it!" Ranboo exclaimed, laying it on the bed and getting handed his clothes.

"It's my day to change in the bathroom. I'll be back." Tubbo said, heading to the bathroom with their clothes.

Tommy was shaken awake by Shroud, who gave a happy spider noise when they saw Tommy open his eyes.

"Hi, Shroud.." Tommy said, still very tired.

"Hi, Uncle Disc!" Michael greeted, Tommy looking over.

"Good morning, Michael." Tommy greeted back, speaking piglin.

Tommy's never spoken piglin around Tubbo or Ranboo, but he knew how to. He was taught by Techno when he was younger, and the other two never thought to ask Tommy if he knew Piglin. Their loss.

"Go see what your parents are up to, Michael." Tommy said, Michael nodding and walking out of the room, going to see his parents.

Shroud got off Tommy so he could get up and dressed.

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