♡ The Devil Doesn't Bargain ♡

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(Hey, hi, hello! Let me explain. The title are part of the lyrics of Devil Doesn't Bargain by Alec Benjamin. I got to thinking when I heard the lyrics, what if Tommy was more gullible and he got too attached to Dream because of Dream's manipulation and abuse? Kinda angsty, but fluff is thrown into there. I honestly really like the idea I've came up with, and I hope you like how I interpret it! Enjoy! <3)

- Manipulation
- Dream /hj
- Abuse
- Attachment issues (?)
- Anxiety/Panic attack from manipulation (?)
- Kinda badly written /hj
- Probably inaccurate beginning of recovery?
- Uncensored Cursing
- Lemme know if there's any more I need to add!

Enjoy :)
"Tommy~" Dream sang out, looking into the tent to see a blond lay on the floor.

Tommy looked over and quickly perked up at the sight of his best friend. Well, at least, that's what he believed.

"Hi Dream!" Tommy said happily, getting up off the floor and brushing himself off.

"Tom, you know what time it is." Dream said, Tommy frowning slightly.

"Why do you keep taking and blowing up my stuff? It isn't fair.." Tommy said quietly, but still loud enough for the older to hear. It made Dream quite a bit annoyed at the response he got, but he quickly made good out of the situation. Well, good for him, at least.

"I'm doing it for you, Tommy! I'm the only one who cares for you. The others don't care about you, only me. I'm doing it for the greater good, okay?" Tommy frowned a little more, but he didn't want to lose the last person he had. No, no, that'd be bad.

"Okay." Tommy responded, following Dream out of the tent and Dream digging a hole for the younger.

"Drop your stuff in the hole, Tom." Dream said, Tommy complying and standing back to not get hit.

"Good boy, Tommy." Dream praised, lighting and throwing TNT down the hole with Tommy's stuff and Tommy watching his stuff be blown.

"I love you. You know that, right?" Dream said, walking over and taking Tommy into a hug.

"Mhm." Tommy nodded into Dream's chest, making him smile to himself.

"I've got to go now, Tommy, okay? I'll be back either later or tomorrow." Dream said, releasing the younger blond from the hug and stepping towards the portal.

Tommy was about to protest, until he remembered what happened last time.
/Flash back/ Tw/cw!: Abuse and perhaps manipulation!
"I've got to go now. I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" Dream said, Tommy frowning.

"But I don't want you to go!" He protested, Dream shrugging and trying to step into the portal until Tommy hugged his arm to try to get him to stay.

"Please don't go!" Tommy, once again, protested, getting shoved to the ground by the older.

"DONT. DO THAT." Dream yelled at him, kicking the younger in the side. Tommy yelped and whimpered in pain, holding his side.

"Do I need to teach you a lesson? Hm?" Dream said sternly, Tommy widening his eyes and shaking his head quickly.

"Hm, but it seems you can't listen." Dream said, equipping a sword.

"Dr-Dream?" Tommy whimpered, trying to shuffle backwards until he was picked up by the collar of his shirt.

"You FUCKING listen to me next time, understood?" Dream said, throwing Tommy back to the ground and Tommy yelping out in pain.

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