Chapter Two- The Lovers Trio

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Summary: The aftermath of the ball. Harry tries to find his masked crush, and what's this about Parkinson and Zabini being civil towards the Golden Trio?

A/Ns for the dream (first big paragraph with italics)
-Draco still doesn't know it's Harry in the mask. He does say "Potter" but it's a dream and to non-masked Harry. So he still doesn't know the true identity of the boy until later on.

-Normal Harry (Without mask)= Harry (Potter)
The other Harry with the mask= Masked Harry (Potter)


Draco runs into an empty corridor. He was wearing his normal pyjamas- an oversized Slytherin sweater and some grey joggers. At the end of the corridor there is a pair of oak doors, a lime ominous light glowing then fading outlines the doors' structure. Draco makes his way to it, intrigued, compelled. Taking a deep breath, he opened the rickety doors, and when Draco stepped into the next room, the twin doors immediately shut and disappeared, the cracked stone wall taking their place. He glanced down, feeling something tingling, and gasped as his pyjamas were being changed into the ones he previously wore for the ball.

"I've been waiting for you."

A masked Harry looks into Draco's silvery eyes, a grin plastered onto his face.


The masked Harry vanishes from his spot and teleports (?) in front of Draco, grabbing him in the process.


"Why are you here?" Draco whisper-shouts, a blush appearing on his pale face.

Instead of a verbal response, he got a kiss and damn it felt nice.

"I know it's you Draco."

Any signs of lust from Draco vanish as he looks at Masked Harry with a slightly worried look. "How did you-"

"So you're choosing him over me, Malfoy?" A non-masked Harry came into view. He was wearing his school uniform, tie loosely draping around his neck, and finally, his scar was very visible.


"The one and only."

"W-what's going on?" Draco asks, now starting to get scared.

"So tell me Malfoy, who are you choosing?" Harry questions.

"Ah yes, you can't have both of us now..." Masked Harry taunts.

Masked Harry repeats the question. "So? Who are you choosing?"

"This isn't real..." Draco mumbles.

"Better choose quickly or you're gonna lose both of us..."

"What?! No! Draco exclaims. "I-I don't know..."

"Aww come on, it's not that hard. Choose one."

No hard feelings."

"I-I can't..."

"No? Draco, you can't do that."

"Yeah- you can't play with our feelings like that." Harry says.

"I'm not trying to! I'm sorry! I just don't know-"

"Choose one." Both Harrys intervened.

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