Match Ups Info + Author's Note

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Hi, everyone! Welcome to my Horror Movie Match Ups book!

If you've been following along on my other Horror Movie book, you probably have noticed that I started doing match ups.

Well, due to the overwhelming response to match ups, I had to make a separate book just for them.

The rules are the same:

PRIVATE MESSAGE ME a description of yourself. Do not leave your description as a comment because that will flood my notifications and probably get lost. Descriptions not sent as a message will be ignored (sorry).

In your message you can include details about your:

- Physical appearance
- Personality
- Interests (This includes hobbies, things you like, extracurricular activities, etc. This part is especially helpful)
- Defining Quirks
- And if you're comfortable with it, you can also include your sexuality & gender identity. It's fine if you don't include this but just know that you could be matched with a slasher of any gender if you don't state a preference.
- Whatever you choose to build an image of yourself.

You can be as descriptive as you want to be. Then I'll add a chapter to this book matching you with a slasher that I think would like you.

Remember: The less information/details, the less I have to work with when matching you. If you want a more in depth match up, you must include more details.

These match ups will remain anonymous but your description will be included in your chapter (usernames will be cropped out). If you're not comfortable with the description being shared, include it in the message. If you want me to tag you in the chapter, let me know and I will. If you need a reference of what you're chapter may look like, refer to the chapters already posted.

Match Up Requests are 《 CLOSED

Match Up Requests are 《 CLOSED 》

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