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Sorry if the story is not the best, and I'm sorry you guys had to wait so long for an update you deserve way better for how long you've waited, sorry again, hope you like it (:

Stef came down the stairs the next morning.

The living room was trashed as expected and her five kids were passed out on a pile of pillows and blankets.

“Rise and shine”, she yelled.

It was a Sunday morning and Lena had planned a spring cleaning day.

She saw Brandon move a little.

“I know you guys are tired, but we've got a big day planned and that means we need to get moving now”, Stef said.

Callie put a pillow over her head ,“Why”, she asked.

Stef pulled her daughter's blanket off ,“Because I said so”, she said.

Callie groaned.

“I'm gonna go check on mama upstairs, and by the time I get back I better see all five of you up and moving, fold the blankets or put the pillows away when you are up, do you understand me”, she asked.

“Yes ma'am”, they replied.

Stef nodded ,“Good”.


“Jude, wake up, mom's gonna be mad”, Jesus said, shaking his brother a little too aggressively.

Brandon threw a pillow at him.

“Stop it Jesus, I told you, he's not gonna wake up, just go fold the blankets or something”, Brandon ordered.

Jesus stood up grumpily and trudged over to his sisters, who were currently folding blankets.

Callie held out a blanket and he grabbed it.

He folded it quickly, not connecting all the corners.

He placed it on top of the stack of folded blankets.

Mariana cringed ,“That's not how you fold them”, she informed him.

Jesus stuck his tongue out at her ,“I don't care Mariana”.

“You don't have to be mean”, she said, refolding his blanket.

“I'm not, it's just, you don't have to be a neat freak”, he said.

Mariana crossed her arms ,“I'm telling mom you called me a freak”, she said.

Brandon walked over ,“Mariana don't be a tattle tale”.

Callie rolled her eyes ,“She's not Brandon, he called her a freak”.

Brandon shook his head ,“He called her a neat freak, there's a difference”.

“It still has the word freak in it”, Mariana said.

“Stop being a baby Mariana”, Jesus said.

“Why are you being so mean”, Mariana asked, this time starting to cry.

“He's not being mean, he's just telling the truth”, Brandon said.

Callie picked up a pillow and threw it at Brandon ,“Shut up”, she said.

Brandon fell back.

Jesus glared at her ,“This means war”, he yelled, tackling Callie to the ground.

Mariana quickly tried prying her brother off of Callie.

Brandon stood up and easily pushed Mariana off of Jesus.

The Fosters Fanfiction (Little Kid One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now