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a nothing much touch on the nothing new.

(if you ask again, i will be yes)

if i was god, there'd be no life.

i'd have let light come by herself

and then waited for darkness to take her

home. (thank god i'm an atheist)

i've not lost much except those

unbackedup photos and videos i begot

with the world and then orphaned at the doors

of informational limbo as i was trying

to transfer them from my phone to my laptop.

if to err is to be human, i am error.

(you know i write poetry because i don't trust therapy?)

found you on my crest; lost you at my trough—

birds bribing time perched on a burning bough.

(by don't trust i meant can't afford. everything

is as much in your pockets as it is in your mind)

i'm potentially kinetic— if you ask again

i will try again, let light in, backup.

~ ajay


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