Chapter 8 - Imran

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After conversing with Barirah for like an hour, her mother and Hajiya Faridah came out obviously done with their conversation. They asked if we were done with ours and I told them yes.

"Toh, we are going" Hajiya Farida said, prompting both Barirah and I to stand to our feet.

Barirah and her mom then escorted us to our car outside. "You should drive carefully" she said the moment I hopped into the vehicle.

"In Shaa Allah I will" I said as I shut the door off. "Bye!" I waved at her the moment Hajiya Farida hopped into the car as well.

"Bye" she waved back too.

Thus, I ignited the engine into action and off we went... en route to home.

While driving home, Hajiya Faridah asked how my conversation with Barirah went and I told her it was great. "She's well mannered" I added.

"Yes wallahi, and she's an hafiza. She memorized the entire Qur'an since childhood" she said making me to gulp,

"Wow, I guess that's why she's calm and religious" I commented.

"You can say that again" she said and I smiled.

When we arrived home, I met some of my friends waiting for me outside the gate. Zubair, Hamid, and Sharif. They were in Hamid's car.

They greeted Hajiya and then told me to hurry up and get them in. Obviously, the new security man refused to let them in. He actually wasn't familiar with them.

When I drove Hajiya inside, I walked to the gate and got them in. They were really excited as they drove 360 before finally parking at the parking lot. We then greeted, hugged and went into the mansion together.

Those three were my best friends and we usually play games in my compartment together. We also used to watch films and even eat. We were actually very close in terms of friendship.

I went and got them some refreshments before sitting down in one of the available chairs to gist them about my trip.

After the gist, I apprised them about the Lamborghini gifted to me by my dad.

Guess what happened next? They screamed in joy and began asking me about it.

"It's in the parking lot, covered" I said.

"Then we should better go see it, come on!" Hamid said as the rest stood to their feet as well.

I also did the same. Then I grabbed the keys to the car from the bedside table and headed out with them.

"Unveiling one of the finest sport cars, the new generation Lamborghini" I said as I uncovered the car gently. 

The trio then screamed in excitement as if they were going to kill both my eardrums with their voices.

Before I knew it, Sharif quickly snatched the keys away from me and hopped inside...

He then started the car but unfortunately he couldn't drive it due to its complicity. It wasn't actually an ordinary car.

"Let me see" I said and took over the driver's seat.

Somehow, I was able to figure out how to move it backwards and then forward in about a minute or so. 

Suddenly, they screamed again in excitement. I should probably warn them about doing such next time because I wasn't ready to lose my hearing ability just yet.

I revved the car and drove around the compound in 360. Each and every one of them did the same before eventually returning the car to where it was and then heading back to my compartment altogether.

"So, what do you think about our proposal?" Zubair asked, referring to the welcome party they proposed to throw for me a day prior.

"I will think about it In Shaa Allah, but for now all I need is rest" I heaved a sigh as I fell wearily into the armchair.

"Alright then, no qualms" he said.

After spending some time together and praying both Zhur and Asr, they finally left. 

Hence, I took off my clothes... leaving me with just boxers, about heading to the bathroom to take a shower when suddenly my phone began ringing.

I checked the caller I.D and found out it was an unknown number. "Who could this be?" I hesitated before picking the call. "Hello" I muttered.

"AsSalama Alaykum" The person said calmly. It was a feminine voice and it sounded so familiar.

"Wa'alaykumus Salam" I said and quickly asked, "May I know you please?"

"Hmm, sure. It's me, Barirah" The person said.

"Oh, sorry please..." I said as she cut in,

"No, you don't need to be sorry ai since you didn't know I was the one. I actually got your number from your stepmom, through my mom" she said.

"That's nice" I smiled thinking about what Hajiya Farida told me about her while on our way home.

"So, hope you reached home safely?" she asked.

"Yes, Alhamdulillah" I replied.

"Ma Shaa Allah" she paused and continued, "I was supposed to call you since but I was busy in the kitchen that's why"

"Thank you. I even had friends earlier, so I was kind of busy too" I said.

"Eyyah, they came to disturb you for me koh?" she said making me to laugh. "What's funny?" she asked.

"Nothing, just that I feel honoured" I said.

"Hmm, toh... honourable. Bari in shirya in tafi Islamiya" she said.

"Islamiya? I thought today is Thursday?" I asked.

"Yes, but even so. I usually go to Islamiya throughout the week, except Fridays though" she explained.

"Eyyah, su hafiza (Qur'an memorizer) kenan" I teased.

"Hmm" she huffed – probably smiling over there – and ended the call.

Thus, I saved her number and dropped the phone on my bed before heading into the bathroom.

While showering, Siyyama's thought came into my mind. I couldn't wait to see her the following day and ask her out.

If she accepts me, I would be the happiest man on earth. But if she rejects me, I might just end up finding myself depressed.


Good morning everyone...

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