Chapter 7: Bribery And Corruption

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I learned how to use the pistols well in just a short amount of time. My aim was practically perfect now and I could quickly whip out a pistol and fire it for emergencies. Dan went back to the shooting range to check up on me and I showed him my new pistol skills. He looked impressed and told me to follow him back to the main lab. He showed me some footage from a security camera in India. It was Alfred. He's back. He somehow escaped the police after I turned him in. Dan said this is what he was telling me I would regret. He said as a punishment I had to run all the way to him since he's still collecting all his belongings in Mawlynnong.

It honestly wasn't that big of a deal since.. I mean super speed is AMAZING honestly if you haven't found a hidden underground lab that isn't a drug dealers home then go look for one right now, but that's besides the point. I got back to Mawlynnong in around 20 minutes and found Alfred in 5. He wasn't so surprised I came back.

"I underestimated you. But not by much huh? You really had to throw me in jail? Especially in this country?" He said to me. His tone of voice was much calmer this time, as if he was whispering, but had as much aggressiveness as a gun on your head. I could barely get a word out of my mouth as he tried punching me in my stomach. I dodged his attack and tried to strike him back with my axe. "And you have new weapons. How did you get access to those? Did you get those from my army? Or was it that person who flew the helicopter that brought you to me?" "You know too much... But so do I. I know you have no powers from our first encounter when you had to use my own power against me. Besides, the more important question is how did you even escape prison? I know you killed the guards.. maybe you even freed the other convicts huh?" Alfred chuckled. "You really have no idea how the world works huh? You think it's all butterflies and rainbows but that's not how it works. I bribed the guards Ryce. The government is corrupt so I paid them. What else did you think."

I got so angry there. I didn't want to believe that he bribed the government. I want to believe that all the leaders are smart and knew what they were doing. Despite the countless amounts of evidence he still bought his way out. "Y-You're wrong. They wouldn't do that.. They're smart, they wouldn't let a villain like you out of jail." I couldn't stop myself from stuttering. I was feeling so many emotions. Angry. Confused. Scared. "But they are corrupt. You just haven't seen the dark side of the world Ryce. You're blind to everything." He kept taunting me. I couldn't handle it anymore and I snapped. I shot him in the head. I killed him.

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