Chapter 15: Same Old World

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I arrived at the other side of the portal and when I got there I was in this... room. It was like some kind of fancy living area in an apartment, and in front of me was a balcony facing the Eifel Tower. I tried stepping out to the balcony but before I could even move my foot I felt a gun behind my head and a voice of a Frenchman. "Qui êtes-vous et qu'est-ce que vous faites ici ?" He asked me. "I'm sorry I don't speak French." "Tell me who you are before I shoot you in the head." I quickly dashed to this side of his wall and pointed my gun at him as well. "The name is Ryce, what's your name?" "You don't need to learn that right now, you'll be dead before you can leave. I just want to learn why you're here Radiant." "My name is Ryce not Radiant stupid." He just laughed as if I was an idiot, then suddenly an alarm went off in his apartment and the instant it went off Chamber brushed me away and started rushing out. 

"What's wrong with your alarm?" I asked him. "It's nothing" "Your name. It's Chamber? Do you know anybody by the name of Froddie?" Chamber was already rushing out of the apartment but I followed him out "How did you know my name? Why are you still following me?" He asked me, worriedly. "Your name was on a business card on the table, and I'm still waiting for a Froddie answer." "The answer is no, now go away." I checked my watch. Dimension 56. I was off by 1 dimension.

I checked Chamber's screen and all it did was highlight somewhere in Santa Fe, New Mexico, which is what seemed to be where Chamber was heading towards, so I dashed to Sante Fe and saw what used to be some sort of reactor and a dusty side on the right, while on the left it was like a lush forest. The first thing I wanted to do was learn more information about this laboratory, why was it like this? After some searching Chamber reached the reactor and I already asked him so questions. "Vincent Fabron. That's your real name isn't it? Who are you and why did you destroy the Everett-Linde Research Lab."

The instant I said this, Chamber started sweating and started to panic. "Y-Y.. How did you know my name?" He kept stumbling with his words. "You aren't great at hiding tracks are you? Did you know that a screen up in that building over there shows your face and name, along with a warning sign? Also your sniper casing is up on that hill over there. So answer me now. Why are you back here?" I asked him as calm as possible, because I didn't want him to panic and attempt to shoot me, but it seems I didn't have to because his posture was slowly returning and he was calming down. "I don't want you to be suspicious of me, I'm just doing my job. I'm a part of a secret protocol that you don't need to know of and I was told to stop a group of people who are planning to destroy this place again. I'm waiting here because some of the other protocol members are coming here right now to help me." He explained.

I already knew about the protocol because, like I said, he wasn't very good at hiding his tracks and his monitor at his house had tiny text at the bottom that said "Valorant Protocol", but I needed more answers. "Are they your accomplices? Did they help you destroy this place." I tried asking but Chamber kept saying he wouldn't answer anything else. "How about this. If I help you with whatever mission the protocol sent you to do, will you make me some custom guns? I saw the handgun you were using against me earlier and I never saw anything like it." He looked at his weird temperature gun and reluctantly agreed, something about how the spike was close to detonating.

We rushed to the dusty portion of the foundation and along the way Chamber explained to me that they have a unique resource called "Radianite" and that these attackers use the spike to steal the radianite, along with what radiants are and why he called me a radiant when we first met. "The spike is up the in that tall building, we need to find a way to get in." He said. "Well I don't see any entrance so have you thought about.. just scaling it and breaking in?" "Well.. I have a teleporter, but I have to place it down first before I can teleport, and I can't climb up there right now." "How do you place the teleporter? I can just run up the wall and break the glass." He gave me his business card that had a teal looking color to it and to just throw it on the ground when I got up to the top, so I dashed up and broke the window and was greeted to 2 other people there because I didn't think far enough like an IDIOT.

I ran behind a wall for cover and threw the card right besides me, instantly when I did Chamber appeared right next to me and I just didn't say anything to him but I pointed past the hall. "Hmmm.. Looks like Cypher and Raze. I'll take care of Raze and you take care of Cypher." I dashed in front of Cypher, grabbed him by the shirt, and dragged him to the next room. He had a gun that looked like Kalashnikov USA AK Alpha without a silencer, I tried aiming at him, but Cypher dropped some discs on the ground and suddenly some kind of hologram appeared that blocked my vision of him as he started open firing at me.

I couldn't push through the smoke because it would because of the bullet hell I was being pressured with so many bullets and my two glocks couldn't do anything against an assault rifle, so I took a large piece of shrapnel from the ground and threw it at where I saw the bullets were coming from, it hit Cypher's hands from what I could hear, causing his rifle to clatter on the floor, so I could push through the hologram and shoot him in the head.

I rushed back to Chamber to help him out with Raze, but when I came back there was some weird liquid thing on the ground that was slowing me down with every step and Chamber who was holding a sniper rifle of some kind. "What was that weird orange liquid back there? Was that Raze's radiant ability?" I asked him. "Raze isn't a radiant. That liquid came from the bullet from my sniper, it's just honey mixed with radianite to make it extra sticky." He went up to the spike and used his temperature gun thing to start bringing up the base of the spike to the top, causing it to collapse in itself. "Well, that's done.... And you wanted me to just make you custom guns?" Chamber looked behind me and noticed Raze was holding a grenade, but it was too late at that point and we were blasted out of the building towards the hard ground below.

My back hurt like crazy, and I looked at chamber and remembered the slow liquid that he had. "CHAMBER! Do you have anything to make that slow liquid that could slow our fall? You said it was honey so if it drops on me then it could drop to the floor and it will slow our fall" The noise from the air made his voice a bit hard to hear, but I could still hear a bit. "Yes... Card... Too far... Can't throw... Weak..." Is all I could make out. "Just throw it to me! I can throw it far enough to the ground." He took out a pick and yellow card and tossed it to me, so I caught it with my left hand, rolled it to my right hand, then threw it to the ground as it made some kind of sensor that spotted me and shot at me the slowing liquid that dropped to the ground as it slowed my body down, then I caught Chamber by his hands and swung him to the liquid as well, slowing his fall as well. When we touched the ground we were just silent. "So what kind of custom guns do you want?" He asked me.

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