Chapter 3: Simple Training

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These few months were nothing short of hell. Non-stop instructions after instructions, "Ryce deadlift these weights, Ryce read "The Art of War", Ryce fight this dummy." Dan made me master everything from boxing to taekwondo to karate. He had me fight a dummy over and over again. When I went back to my house I was so tired I instantly went to sleep, in fact it was so severe my parents asked me what was wrong one night, but I just responded school was tiring, otherwise they wouldn't let me pursue my dream of protecting everybody.

When I went back to Dan's lab he had a very serious face, one that looked like somebody died. Dan said my first enemy was slowly building power and plans to take over the world, and that his name was "Alfred", and not much either than Alfred knows I exist, but doesn't know my power, so we are both on equal footing. Dan gave me 7 days to train even harder before I would get sent on my first mission.

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