Chapter 11

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The jar whizzed in the air and smashed into something. Expecting a cry of disgust from Pyrrha and her armor soaked in jelly, Jaune instead looked at Cardin. His armor splattered with sticky jelly. "That was bold....but stupid," Cardin shoves Jaune to the ground. "Stupid....but I'd do it again for my team members," Jaune spat blood on the shoes of Cardin. "You won't be sticking around much longer. Much less have a team when I rat out to Goodwich about your transcript," Cardin was about to punch him. Jaune panted. "Like I said, I'd take the fall for my friends. If you wanna rat me out, do it. But don't you dare hurt anyone else," Jaune replied. "And who's gonna stop me?," Cardin's fist flew to Jaune's cheek.

However, the second his fist connected to Jaune, a bright light emitted from Jaune, blinding the area. When the light dissipated, Cardin held his fist in pain, as if he struck a brick wall. Then, out of nowhere, an Ursa rammed into both Jaune and Cardin, knocking Jaune and Cardin away from each other. The Ursa looked at Jaune and then sniffed the air. Its' nose attracted to something sweet. To the smell of honey. The Ursa turned its' attention away from Jaune and to Cardin, specifically his drenched sweetened armor. Cardin gulped. Without their weapons, the other team members began to run away. Jaune was scooting away when he looked to his left to see his shield and sword.

"Ursa! Ursa!," one of Cardin's teammates replied and bumped into Yang. "Where?!," Yang grabs his shirt. "Back there! It's got Cardin!," he replied before shoving himself off and running away. "Oh no! Jaune!," Pyrrha realized. "Blake! Yang! Go get help! Weiss! You're with me!," Ruby replied and bolted towards where Jaune and Cardin were. Weiss nodded and chased after Ruby. "Nora! Ren! You too!," Pyrrha replied and ran after Ruby and Weiss. Ren and Nora took off after Blake and Yang.

The Ursa roared and stood on its' hind legs, glaring down at Cardin. Cardin scooted back toward a rock formation. The Ursa was about to swing its' paw down when Jaune leapt from the rock formation. Jumping high with his shield and sword ready, he smacked the Ursa back. Wasting no time, he charged towards the beast. The Ursa roared and began to attack Jaune. Jaune countered every attack using his shield to block. Pyrrha, Ruby, and Weiss stopped just as the Ursa swatted Jaune's sword up. Seizing the moment, Pyrrha outstretched her hand and her hand began to shimmer with a black glow. The sword was in the air for a moment before it fell back into Jaune's hand. Jaune ducked another blow. The Ursa swung its' paw at Jaune. This time, Jaune blocked it and with one swing, Jaune brought the blade towards the Ursa's neck, beheading the beast. The Ursa fell to the ground and began to dissipate. "Uh....what?," Ruby replied. "What did you do?," Ruby asked Pyrrha. "Well....we all have semblances. You have speed. Weiss has her glyphs. My polarity," Pyrrha answered. "You can control poles?," Ruby gasped in awe. "No you dolt! It means she can control magnetic objects!," Weiss hissed. "Magnetic stuffs are cool too," Ruby replied. "We should tell them what happened," Weiss replied. "Or.....we could keep this a secret," Pyrrha interjected before leaving. Jaune approached Cardin, his blade emitting black steam. "Woah...," Cardin replied. Jaune lends his hand out. Cardin took his hand and Jaune helped him up. "Do not mess with anyone. You hear me?," Jaune glares. Cardin nodded. Jaune shoves past Cardin and headed back towards Beacon Tower.

That night, Pyrrha came out of the restroom when she saw Jaune on the porch. Pyrrha went outside to see him. "Not hanging out with your new friends?," Pyrrha asked. "No....," Jaune sighed. "I...I see. Well then. Good night," Pyrrha turned to leave. "Pyyrha?," Jaune looked at her. "Yes Jaune?," Pyrrha asked. "I'm sorry. For pushing you away. For refusing help. You were only trying to help and I was selfish," Jaune apologized. "Jaune. I understand that you don't want to have a woman help you. It doesn't mean you should push help away. That's why we're a team. We're supposed to help out. Big or small. Shameful or not shameful," Pyrrha accepted the apology as a smile grew over her face. "Thanks. I don't deserve it but thanks," Jaune nodded. "But what you do deserve is something else," Pyrrha replied. "What do you mean?," Jaune asked. Pyrrha turned around and approached Jaune. She the proceeded to shove Jaune to the floor. "Hey!," Jaune replied. "Your stance is wrong. You need to be light on your feet," Pyrrha replied and helped him up. "Pyrrha....I...I don't deserve..," Jaune began. "Jaune. We all deserve a second chance. We all need help. You need to learn how to accept that you need help. Remember. We're a team. You're the tip of the sword but your team is the blade, the handle, and the forger," Pyrrha replied. Jaune looked down. "Let's try it again," Pyrrha replied. Jaune looked up and nodded at her.

The next morning, the sun shone over the Kingdom of Vale. If the calm weather and the cool temperature wasn't enough, then the added bonus was that Vale's enjoying the Vytal Festival. A shopkeeper was putting up a welcome sign for any tourist. New or returning. "Oh the Vytal Festival! This is absolutely wonderful!," Weiss smiled. "I don't think I've seen you this happy, Weiss. It's kind of freaking me out," Ruby replied. "How could you not be excited? There will be parades, fireworks, dances! Oh the amount of planing is amazing!," Weiss answered. "Wow. You really know how to make something exciting sound so dull," Yang sighed. "Quiet you!," Weiss replied. "But why are we spending our day at the docks?," Ruby asked. "Right? Sounds like a fishy idea if you ask me," Yang smirked, nudging Blake. Blake rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You're never going to win," Blake replied. "Just you wait," Yang smirked. "Heh. I do enjoy the effort but no," Blake chuckled. "Yes! Progress!," Yang smirked. "Back to point. Why are we at the docks?," Ruby asked. "Well, teams from Vacuo are arriving here today by boat and as a member of Beacon from Atlas, it is my duty to welcome them," Weiss smiled. "She wants to spy on them to get an upper hand when we fight," Blake replied. "What utter nonsense!," Weiss rolls her eyes. Ruby glances to the right. "Hey. Check that out," Ruby replied.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang turned to see a dust shop with yellow tape around it. The dust shop's two windows were broken with glass on the floor. Team RWBY approached the crime scene. "What happened here?," Ruby asked an officer. "Eh. Yet another dust robbery," the officer scoffed. "Hey Professor? Who needs all this dust?," the officer asked Fives who exit the building. "Oh hey professor," all four greeted. Fives waved back. "Third dust shop this week," Fives told the officer. "Heh! They left all the money again!," a deputy replied. Fives looked down to see a squashed cigar. He knelt down and picked it up. "Hmmm," Fives studied it. "That last dust robbery had a cigar flattened too," the officer replied. "Found something," the deputy ran over with what appears to be a hat with a red stripe around it. Fives took the hat and examined it before looking up at the rooftops, seemingly expecting something. Team RWBY looked to where Fives was looking at but found nothing. "Torchwick," Fives murmured. "Torchwick?," Ruby asked.

"Hey! Stop right there, stowaway!," someone yelled. Fives sighed. "Wrap it up here and go see what the issue is," Fives replied before leaving with the hat in hand. Team RWBY ran to the boardwalk in time to see two people chasing after a Faunus. The Faunus hopped on the railing, smirking at the crewmen. "That's for the ride fellas!," he smiled and hopped overboard. "You bloody no good stowaway!," one of the crew members yelled in frustration. "Hey! A bloody no good stowaway would be caught. I'm a bloody great stowaway!," the Faunus smirked, wearing a white blouse purposely not buttoned, wearing blue jeans with tennis shoes and wearing red gauntlets. His hair looked a bunch of bananas flipped upside down. The Faunus was hanging upside down using his tail, peeling a banana. "Get down there now," the officer approached him, with three deputies behind him. Instead of being listened to, the officer's face was splat with the banana skin. The Faunus and the deputies laughed. The officer growled as the Faunus swung over them and scampered off. "After him!," the officer replied and chased after him. The deputies sprinted after the officer.

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