When You're Home

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A/N - Songfic based on Leslie Grace and Corey Hawkins', 'When You're Home'! 

Hope you enjoy it! 

Nina Rosario let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, wandering around the barrio until she found the basketball courts, sitting down on the nearest bench she could. Things had been tiring for her as of late. Getting back was a beautiful but chaotic experience, praise, compliments and questions being thrown every which way. She barely had a moment to herself! The sun beat down on her back, and her newly styled and washed curls, courtesy of Daniela and co, took the full brunt of it. It wasn't the worst kind of heat, like a warm singe to her back. Her chocolate eyes blinked, facing the floor, mentally tracing out the lines of the handball courts. She let everything fly past her for once. She let herself fall into that rhythm, listening to the sounds of the block she knew and now embraced once again.

Children screaming, laughing, crying...

Basketballs bouncing against the concrete ground...

People eating...

The barking of a dog...

The rattling of the fence directly behind her...

"Earth to Nina..." A voice rang. It was recognisable to the girl, but she was stuck in her trance. "Nina Rosario, where are you?!" A hand flashed past her eyes, and she stirred back to life, looking up to see the one and only Benny.


"I'm here." Nina placed her hands on either side of her, admiring his playful but caring gaze. "I was just-"


"Listening to your block?" He intervened with a laugh, "I know! You do this every time. Even though you've been out at Stanford, even before that, it's always the words, 'Let me listen to my block.'" The man sighed, deciding to sit down next to her. His eyes scanned her with caution, almost as if to notice her features again, examine them more carefully. Nina being away for so long took just as big a toll on him! She appeared... So much weaker, as if the world had worn her down completely, like none of it was the same to her.

"Am I not allowed to do that?" She replied, her gaze downcast once more, "I've forgotten what it's like here. Living at the top of the world..."

Admittedly, Benny had never seen her like this. He could only imagine how much the studying drained her entire being. He'd never be able to pull that off himself! His work at the dispatch was enjoyable, well paying, and honestly enough for him! As for Nina? She only dreamed of going farther and farther in life, taking after her dad with ease. His mind trailed off, watching her face fall as if to drown in this heavy, deep reflection. He wanted to help her, no doubt. His personality had made her smile on many occasions, and it was clear that they were all for each other. Benny sighed as an idea came to mind, spreading through his brain like a wildfire, lighting up every crevice inside. He took the hand that was closest to him, intertwining his fingers with hers in a gentle motion. Even in its gentleness, it caused Nina to look up.

What?  Nina's eyes widened, half fatigued still, and half curious. What did he have up his sleeve?


"Come with me..."

She couldn't help but laugh and then squeal as he stood up at the speed of light, speedwalking on ahead. Her curls bounced up and down behind her, eyes blurry but making out all the sights. A bright smile laced Benny's face. His joyous nature was just about infectious, even to the sluggish Nina. Activity buzzed all around them, and Benny's shoes clapped against the footpath.

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