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Back at the school, they were after that tragic night. Josie did everything to avoid her father while Hope and Lizzie were trying to get him to go talk to her,

"She's your daughter dad, and my sister. I love her more than anyone and I want you to as well. Go apologize to her."

"I don't know if I can," Alaric scratches his neck,

"It's not too late," Hope says to him, "Go talk to her."

"Fine." Alaric stood up out of his leather office chair and made his way toward Josie's dorm,

"Hey, Jo?" He knocked on the door. Josie hears this and stood up, holding her hands to her chest, her hands shaking. She answers the door,

"Hey dad," She says,

"Look Josie, I'm so sorry, for everything. I hope you understand that I only wanted the best for you, and trust me, being a vampire is astronomically difficult, and I don't want that-" Josie had cut her dad off by hugging him,

"I know that all you want is the best for me, but it hurt," She tears up, "I love you, dad, so much, and I'm so sorry for everything."

"Honey, you don't have to be sorry for anything, I promise." He says.

Later that evening, Lizzie was taking a short walk around campus. She was walking towards the creepy wooden building, The place where she had met her love. She went inside walking close to the walls caressing them and taking in the memories that they gave her. Gushes of wind blow through the air, when something made of glass fell and shattered on the floor. Lizzie looked over and saw that the glass that fell was a bottle. There was a rolled-up piece of paper next to it almost like a map, and it mysteriously rolled over to Lizzie's feet. She bent down and picked it up slowly unravelling its rolls. She paces around the building as she does this.

"Turn around." She read, "turn around?" She slowly turns her head around to see A young-looking man approaching her. He looked familiar with his less modern style of dressing, his hair that almost falls in front of his eyes, his one-sided smile with sharp teeth showing from the sides. Wait, was this Sebastian? Or was Lizzie going insane again? Quite simply, without questioning anything Lizzie runs over to him and gives him the biggest hug wrapping her legs around his waist and nearly crashing into him. He wraps his arms around her catching her,

"Easy there love," he says in his hot British accent, "Easy...".

Around the same time as a Lizzie, Josie was out hanging around Mystic Falls, wanting to go into Mystic Grill with its bright lights and loud conversations, but was simply too scared of being humiliated by getting kicked out. She figured though why not, and went through its doors hearing loud crowds, flirty men, and balls being hit by pool sticks. The place has not changed. She sits down at one of the booths and starts reading the menu. She hears someone sitting in the booth in front of her. She looks up at the booth to see an older girl with brownish blonde hair and hazel-ish eyes, someone who also looks familiar to her as Sebastian did Lizzie,

"Jade, Uh- hey! I thought you left Mystic Falls," Josie says, jumping from seeing her,

"Well I've been thinking about you a lot in fact not being able to get that last kiss off my mind," Jade chuckles, "I just miss you so much I couldn't give myself the hatred of actually leaving you so I decided to stay and well, have dinner with you". Josie smiled like she never had before. She was actually happy and felt wanted by someone rather than being ignored by her father and replaced by her sister,

"I-I love you so much Jade," she says her face looking down,

"I love you too," Jade smiles.

Landon woke up in the same spot he was killed. He looked around freaking out slightly. The first thing he felt was his chest, it was completely healed along with his clothes being not ripped up. He stood up catching himself from almost falling before running off into the distance to try to find his tribrid.

Hope had already turned her lights off and lay down trying to sleep. She just couldn't stop thinking about Landon and all the things that they had done before his leading death. There was a noise at her door that almost sounded like ticking but really loud. She stood up and started wandering in the school halls. She uses her vampire senses to hear running coming from outside and someone calling her name. She stops dead in her tracks,

"Landon?" She starts running down the stairs past Alaric's office and outside towards the school gates. She sees Landon in the distance still calling out her name,

"Hope!" She heard from him,

"Landon!" She yells back running towards him and hugging him tightly,

"God I love you and I'm so sorry for everything," Landon stopped her from apologizing by simply kissing her.


Love stories are for the most part tragic, but in the end, it doesn't even matter because normally there is always a happy ending to follow. Lizzie was able to get Sebastian back, Jade came back for Josie, and Landon was able to find his way out of limbo to see his tribrid again. It is hard beyond hard to lose somebody that you truly care about and love, no matter if it's through death or them moving away, or if it's just the world descent to keep the both of you separate.
The Supernatural obviously isn't real and sometimes the people who wish they were don't realize how much of a scarier place this earth would be if they were. Yes, there are people who identify themselves as vampires. Also, there are such things as empathic mediums or people who just simply practice magic like psychic readings or tarot card reading. In all reality, we are not immortal. Come to think of it we can actually be killed really easily, far more easily than we think in our everyday lives, we just don't actually think of it unless we're near death.
Basically what I'm trying to say is don't overestimate your true life because you or anyone in it could easily go and won't be able to be brought back like Landon or Sebastian in this story. Thank you for reading and I hope that there will be more to come.

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