The Fall of the Mystery Machine; Chapter 7

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 "UGH RON GET IN THE CAR!!!" Velma yelled, kicking Ron trying to get him in the car.

"Like, be careful man, don't break his, like, insides!" said Shaggy, gingerly shoving Ron into the back seat of the car.

Velma sat in the driver's seat, and Shaggy took the passenger's.

"This car is a hunk of junk" said Velma, fiddling with some of the switches, "How do I drive this? Like a normal car?"

"Like, I dunno! Try it."

Velma took the keys that were hanging from the mirror and turned the car on. The engine rumbled to life, but it sounded like a sick old man.

"Let's do this, We will fly our way back to the Mystery Machine which is in the Hogwarts visitor parking lot, located just across this lake that we are inconveniently unable to swim through," said Velma. She took the wheel and pushed the gas pedal. They went flying forward into the shallow part of the lake.

"Zoinks, Velma! What did you do?"


"Like geez, dude, relax."

"Sigh Okay i just need to get in the air and everything will be fine."

Velma fiddled with more buttons, trying every combination. Eventually she turned the radio volume up to 69 and the car ascended voluminously.

"Nice," Said Velma as she took the wheel again and lurched forward.

In the back seat, Ron flopped forward, smacking his face on the car seat headrest in front of him. He landed in the floorspace and layed there contorted like a pretzel.

"Say, like, Velma, did you ever get your driver's license? I know you tested a bunch of times, but, like, did you ever pass?

"No, but I took the test like 8 times. That should count for something."

Shaggy gulped and looked straight ahead. It continued to be a bumpy ride all the way back to the Mystery Machine. By the end, Ron's feet were by the back window and his head was under the driver's seat.

"Um Shaggy?"

"Like, yeah dude?"

"Where did we park the Mystery Machine again?"

end of chapter 7

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