29: Taken

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  With trembling hands, I poured myself some Capri Sun that Lou had bought earlier at the store. It was just me in one of the empty hotel rooms on our floor, the boys weren't allowed to be with me. Paul said that it was for their safety, and knowing that safe for them meant away from me made me feel awful.

  Of course, the boys all protested against Paul, but in the end, he had gotten his way and the boys were sent with a few security members into the main hotel room. I felt like a prisoner, sitting alone in my cell while Paul stood at attention at the door. It just didn't feel right.

  The sun was finally beginning to fall slowly, and the crowd of people at the hotel's outdoor pool dwindled down until all that remained were the lifeguards. I felt like Katniss Everdeen, trapped in her room a few nights before going into the arena.

  Only this was real. This was actually happening, to me.

  The texts from Vanessa kept pouring in, but I didn't dare look at them. Paul didn't know about those texts, and I wasn't going to tell him. I was terrified beyond imaginable already, and I knew that those messages written to me would just make everything worse.

  The boys had been trying to skype call me, but I didn't pick up. I had a massive lump in my throat that threatened to choke me every second, and I didn't want the boys to see me in this condition. Not now, not here.

  I suppose some of the texts that came were from Harry, concerned about me and for my safety. But really, I was the one putting all of their lives in danger. Maybe if I hadn't called Harry two months ago he wouldn't be in this uncomfortable position, hiding away in a hotel room for his life. But then again, it wasn't his life they wanted.

  It was mine.

  Just knowing that someone wanted you dead was enough to send someone over the edge. But there was this whole mystery behind the story in front of me, such as why my parents were avoiding me, and what Vanessa wanted from me. What was really driving her to kill me?

  These questions couldn't be answered, and knowing that was killing me inside. My head was buzzing with questions that I was afraid I would just lose it, that's how much was simultaneously popping into my brain.

  But what remained in my head most, stuck there like a planted seed, was Harry. I wanted so badly to run to him and tell him that I was going be okay, although it was positive that wasn't going to be the outcome. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him one last time, because I was sure that Vanessa would get to me. Either that or I'd become so paranoid that itself would kill me.

  I choked out a silent sob right before the door burst open and I scrambled out of Louis's unmade bed and jumped to my feet. My heart must have been racing a million miles per hour, but when I saw that it was Harry I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders.

  "Darcy!" He exclaimed, running over to me like a little kid and crashing his lips against mine. I reacted a bit slowly, but within a few seconds I was kissing him back. It hadn't even dawned on me that Paul might be watching us and that this was PDA, but I could really care less.

  After a few minutes of kissing, we were both smiling like idiots in each others arms, even though with the circumstances we should have been crying. This was the thing about love, it could brighten your day instantly, even in the middle of a crisis like this.

  "Paul found her and places a tracking device on her. She's gone." Harry squealed, spinning me around but pretty much failing and nearly sending me into the cheap-o television. I screamed in excitement, or maybe it was just the rush of him kissing me, and we stood there in the hotel room jumping up and down in eachother's arms.

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