6: Tiff

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  • Dedicated to Niall James

   In seconds, my heart was beading rapidly inside my chest. I froze in my spot, and a glob of mud fell on my shoe and seeped through to my soles. My eyes darted toward Harry, who too hadn't turned around. This was my first week of being free a I had already gotten in trouble by the police.

  "Hands up!" The extremely deep voiced man commanded. I fliched at how loud he was, but didn't protest and put my hands above me head. I heard a small giggle from behind me and Harry and I both whipped around to see Niall and Tiff standing in front of us, no cops anywhere to be seen. I threw a giant glob of mud at Tiff, but she danced away from it before it could ruin her blue sweater.

  "That wasn't funny." Harry growled. Niall laughed at him, his face getting redder and redder. Tiff tried to hold in some giggles as she smiled apologetically at me.

  "You're right." Niall said, regaining control of himself and putting on a serious face that was easy to believe. "That was hilarious!"

  This time when mud flew towards the couple, it wasn't from me. I turned to see Harry smirking and already grabbing more handfuls of the Earth, looking at me and expecting me to do the same. I grinned and ducked down, digging my fingers into the dirt and throwing whatever I grabbed at them. I heard Tiff scream and Niall shout 'stop!' but we didn't until they were covered in a thick layer of mud.

  "Not cool, Harry." Niall complained, wiping some mud off of his jacket.

  "That's payback," Harry said, laughing. I looked to Tiff who was looking at Niall and laughing. All four of us matched with each other, and all four of us weren't going to be able to go to dinner on time like we'd planned. I had just started thinking about my clothes, because there was no way we were getting into Tiff's porche like this and there was no way we'd be allowed in a store like this.

  A shiver ran up my spine, and I grabbed my slimy coat and folded my arms over each other. Niall was lamely brushing off his pants, which didn't work well in his favor. After a few minutes of trying to get the mud off of him, he sighed.

  "We should go to our hotel and get cleaned up." Niall said to Harry. I looked at Tiff who had the word 'dissapointed' written clear as day all over her face. I wondered if it was easy to tell on me, too, and the sudden realization dawned on me that I only had one day left with Harry before he would be whisked away to go live his celebrity life. For some reason this made me sadder than it should have. Only one day until he'd be gone. I was so thankful that I had Tiff to help me through the next few months, though, because I knew that I would need someone and I was so grateful to have her.

  "Niall, I only have one more day with her." Harry whispered quietly. He didn't know that I could hear him, and I looked to Tiff to see if she could. Her face was oblivious, even though she had been leaning in to try and eavesdrop on the boys.

  "I'm hungry and we can't go to a restaurant like this. Lets get cleaned up and then see if the girls will do something with us. After we eat and stuff, because I need food. I need it." Niall said. Harry nodded before turning back to facing us girls.

  "Does it work if we meet at La Cabana at seven? Niall here can't wait for food so we'll stop at the hotel to clean up and grab him food." Harry said. My spirits lifted slightly knowing that I'd see him later, and that I could try and look more decent than usual because I'd have time. I looked at Tiff who smiled at me and nodded.

  "It's settled then." She said. "La Cabana at seven."


  "Want me to do your hair? I could straighten it if you want." Tiff said, slipping one of the tops she gave me over her shoulders. I let her borrow it, because first, it was once hers, and second, I was helping her pick out something pretty for dinner. I had no intentions of dolling myself up, because I didn't have anyone to doll myself up for. But Tiff had Niall, and I made it my mission to make her outfit look perfect.

  "Nah, it's okay. Hey, I was right. That top matches your eyes." I said, putting my hands on my hips as I looked over Tiff's outfit. She had on a brown top that went halfway down her arms, dark jeans, and the same shoes that she had on before, since I wasn't her size because my feet were awkwardly huge.

  "I wish I could let you borrow some jewelry or something, but I don't really have anything." I said. She smiled, shaking her head, as she looked herself over in the mirror. While she fixed her hair, I went to my room to find clean clothes to wear. My heart was still pounding from everything that went on today, but I felt like it all went by in a blur. I wished that I could have a remote and could it rewind over and over, replaying today everyday. And speaking of days, I only had one more left with Harry. If tomorrow went by as fast as it did today...

  I grabbed a green long~sleeved shirt and some random jeans that I had found. I locked the door and got rid of my muddy clothes and replaced them with the fresh clean ones. Thoughts of what was going to happen in my near future flooded my mind, and I was glad for a night out so I was forced to think in the present. In two days, I'd find a job. There had to have been something out there for me, I told myself.

  "Hey, Darcy, Niall texted that they were on their way. Are you ready?" Tiff said from outside the door. I glanced at the clock to see that we should have left five minutes ago, and pulled my jeans on so quickly I almost stumbled into the wall.

  "Yep." I said, unlocking the door and running into the kitchen to grab my dinky phone. When we headed out, I locked the door and prepared myself to calm down for the elevator ride. If I admitted to Tiff my fear of elevators, she'd probably let me take the stairs, but then we'd be late and she'd think that was weird. Tiff didn't strike me as a judgemental type, but just saying it out loud embarrassed me enough.

  When we got in the car, Tiff turned up the heat on high since it was freezing outside. As we pulled out of the lot, I could see her breathing heavily.

  "Tiff?" I asked her.

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She apologized quickly.

  "Don't be." I reassured her. "You didn't do anything."

  "I know. Ugh, I'm so edgy. It's just that I keep getting tweets about Niall and Demi and I know it's not true, but I'm afraid because he can't see me often that he'll dump me and move on to her and I really like him, and I know this isn't good of me to be doubting our relationship or whatever, but I can't help but think that he'd do that. I know him, I don't think he will, but time can change people. Especially when he'll be away from me. I want to make sure everything goes right so when he leaves he won't just forget Tiff, his little old girlfriend, and..." She said quickly. It was hard to catch what she was saying, but she turned to me as if she were looking for answers.

  "He'd been gone from me before." She said more slowly. "He had broken up with me because of distance, and two months later he came back. I'm so scared he'll do it again." Tiff said. Her voice shook and she let out a big sigh. I smiled reassuringly at her.

  "If you love something, let it go." I said. "But if they love you, they'll come back. And he did, Tiff. You have nothing to worry about. I promise."

  But would Harry ever return after he leaves?

  Poor Tiffy :c

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