36: Finally

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  *Darcy's P.O.V*

  It was three days after when I finally woke up. My limbs were beyond sore, I felt like someone rising from the dead. But despite what I felt physically, on the inside I felt brand new.

  The doctor had checked on me several times in the night when I woke. He gave me many types of pain killers, and if the pain became too bad I pressed a button for more drugs to be inserted into me through one of the long tubes running along my body.

   For most of the night, I had been sipping on some Sprite and watching Spongebob Squarepants on the television that hung from the ceiling and messing with the adjustments on my bed. But my mind was far away from this hospital; it was wandering with the idea that Harry was somewhere nearby, and that I would get to see him. I wanted to kiss him now more than ever.

  "Hey, you alright in here?" My nurse said, entering the room with her infamous clipboard that I had seen so many times in the past few hours. I nodded.

  "Have phone calls been sent out to my friends yet?" I asked impatiently. The question had been asked more than ten times, I know, but I still had to ask. I wanted to see him.

  "You're still in recovery mode, but we'll send out calls to your guardians."

  "That would be Paul Higgins, he should be listed as my guardian. Can you call him now, please? I just want to see my friends again."

  The nurse shifted uncomfortably as I waited for her response. She adjusted her wristwatch while unintentionally gnawing on her lip furiously.

  "Is there something that I don't know?" I asked wearily.

  "Mr.Higgins passed away early in the morning three days ago, when he was taken off of life support. I'm so sorry, Miss Darcy." She apologized, her eyes big with a simpathetic look to them. Without even knowing it, my jaw had dropped down and my eyes were burning with tears.

  "I need you to call Harry Styles right now, please." I pleaded, wiping my eyes quickly. The nurse paused as she thought out my request, but then she nodded her head solemnly and left the room.

  It took all my willpower not to let out a sob. I felt like everything was my fault; Paul's death, my kidnapping, my parents hating me, the list went on and on for miles. The guilt of Paul's death would always hang over my head, like a gloomy cloud before the rain.

  I slammed my fist into the thin bedsheets and screamed out in agony, not caring who the hell heard me. They probably would think that I needed to be put in some insane allylum, and that might just be damn true.

  Paul was dead.

  Paul risked his life for me.

  A horrible pain ripped through my chest when I bent down and held onto my knees, looking for some sense of comfort, when in reality- without Harry there was none that I could find. Surprisingly, nobody came in the room. I think they all knew perfectly well what was going on.

  Once again, I slammed my aching fist down on the bed. There was already a lumpy bruise there from Nathan, but I was beyond point to care. I had passed that level long ago, and now all I wanted to do was turn back time and fix everything.

  If we could only have this life for one more day

  If we could only turn back time

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