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  • Dedicated to you

  Harry sits in the interviewers couch, looking confident, feeling the polar opposite. Today is the day. He knows that, and so does Darcy. The day that the world would all know of the new joy that had been brought to Darcy and Harry's lives.

  "Harry, my boy!" The interviewer cries. Harry, to be honest, doesn't even remember his name. He really should, however, it's the same man who Harry confessed all his innermost thoughts about Darcy to. That was when she was just a mere memory in the back of Harry's mind- a painful, tragic memory.

  "It's good to see you," Harry smiles, accepting the hug the interviewer gives him. In the corner of his eye he can see Darcy smiling slightly behind the curtain.

  Several teen aged fan girls were sobbing at the very sight of her, all so ecstatic to tell their friends that they got to see Styles, the wife of Harry Styles.

  "So the last time you came on the Dan Walter's show"- Dan, that's the name- "you were just a small lad with a big future ahead. A lot has changed since then, am I right?"

  "Yeah, quite a lot." Harry chuckles to himself, because they don't even know half of it.

  "And you've kept in touch with your former bandmates, I assume?"

  "Oh yes, we all are planning on moving our families in together. Now that Eleanor is having her twins, though, it'll take a bit longer. But everything's good." More than good, he wanted to say. But then he might open his big mouth and ruin the surprise.

  "Any news on Zayn and Amber's engagement?"

  "They've settled on having the wedding next June," Harry smiles. "And actually, Zayn's mum is doing all the planning. She's very crafty." The audience chuckled, although Harry didn't think he was that funny. Backstage, rubbing her stomach, was Darcy, who gave Harry another reassuring glance.

  "And there have been rumors speculating that Amber is pregnant. Is any of that true?"

  "No, no. There was this whole rumor started up on twitter that got to be a big problem but she's not pregnant. She has a bit more morals than that." Harry joked. The audience's eyes were big as they captured every word he was uttering. Good, Harry thought, because they're gonna want to here what I have to say soon.

  "But now onto you, Harry. How are you doing? How's your wife? She chatted with me a while ago, such a lovely young lady. Congratulations on getting married, by the way!" Dan boasted for him, as the audience roared with laughter.

 Darcy, even thought behind a curtain, was already blushing before she stepped out on stage to greet Dan and Harry, which received lots of squeals and screams from the fans.

  "Oh, and here she is now!" Dan yelled into the microphone. Darcy shyly sat down beside Harry. She was more nervous of this than she was of when a psychotic murderer was after her. Harry always told her that her priorities were in a funk, she remembered, as she crossed her shaky legs.

  "Hey, guys!" Darcy said as a woman approached her to clip a microphone to her purple sundress that Harry'd picked out himself. In a way, he felt a strange sense of pride in Darcy. He squeezed her hand lightly, letting her know that it was now alright. Everything would be fine.

  "So I hear you have some rather exciting news for us, Mr. and Mrs. Styles?" Dan asked. Well dang, he wasn't going to wait at all, Darcy thought. She knew this was it. She could feel her heart thumping wildly inside her chest, daring to jump right out of her throat.

  Harry placed a hand on her stomach.

  Her feelings of anxiety and worry vanished.

  "I'm pregnant."

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