17: Red Carpet

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  I looked at myself in the full length mirror in the hotel bathroom. My blue dress looked perfect, I had to say. I wondered if Harry and Vanessa were out waltzing on the dance floor. I pictured him asking her to go outside with him, where they'd sit by a beautiful fountain and he'd ask her to be his girlfriend. Meanwhile, I'd probably be stuck getting thirds at the punch bowl.

  Tiff had curled my hair only an hour ago, and it hung gracefully in bouncy curls that were coated in hairspray so that my hair wouldn't go back to it's natural stage. I knew absolutely nothing about makeup, and Tiff admitted she wasn't the best in that department as well, and we both took turns applying something to our faces and giggling about it afterwards as we scrubbed whatever it was off of our face.

  "I'm sorry, but I cannot handle heels. They'd kill me." Tiff said, throwing the black heels that someone handed to her to try on into the waste bin. I laughed as I slipped into my shiny black flats that were given to me by Tiff. I was smaller than her, so all of her hand me downs were hand-me-downed to me.

  We were already a solid ten minutes late. The party had started just a few minutes ago, and I could tell by the people entering the red carpet. Tiff and I were supposed to wait in here until Niall got us, and then we were going to be escorted down the carpet. Only, the thought of me walking down a bright red carpet with a stranger didn't seem to appealing. And what were they going to do, make Harry do it? Never.

  "You've got to tell him soon. For his own good. I mean, look at Vanessa. Nobody really is that cheery. It isn't humanly possible." Tiff growled. "And it was like she actually knew that she was messing with you last night. I swear I could see her smirking."

  "Or she was just being her smiley self?" I guessed. She rolled her eyes as she fixed the zipper on the green dress she wore. It was a bit longer than mine, but it didn't look like a full on maxi dress. Niall had told her that he wanted to see it, but she said it would be a surprise.

  I heard a door squeak open, and standing in the doorway were Niall and Harry. I was having one of those moments where you're not supposed to smile, but yet you can't help but stand there grinning like an idiot. I tried to picture dead puppies or something to get me to stop, but it was useless.

  Niall was wearing a grey tuxedo with a green tie. Tiff had only told him that her dress was green, and so I either assumed that he was trying to match with her or support the Irish. Either way, he looked fabulous.

  But Harry, that was another thing. There really wasn't much changed about him, and he was the same boy from the park two years ago, but he was incredibly handsome just the same. He was wearing the classical black tux, white undershirt, and black tie. He was grinning at me and I guess he finally saw me looking and gave a little wave.

  "Tiff, that's so pretty. You're so adorable." Niall said before planting a fat kiss on her cheek. I rolled my eyes at them before excusing myself to go off and talk to Harry before I'd go out on the carpet. I wasn't exactly sure where Vanessa was or why Harry was here, but it honestly didn't matter to me. Nothing would ruin this moment. Nothing.

  "You look beautiful." Harry complimented me casually. I reminded myself not to take it in any serious way, and that Harry was just being a gentlemen. At the same time, though, I found myself squealing inside. If he wasn't standing right here I'd probably get up and dance. It was funny, because he didn't even know how I felt and how much that small little sentence meant to me.

  "You don't look too bad yourself." I laughed. "Where's Vanessa?" Okay, I couldn't help it. I was so curious as to where she was, because maybe if I found out she wasn't here than I could actually have a good time at this party tonight.

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