Chapter 33- All is quiet in love and war

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"It's gotten so quiet all of a sudden. I don't understand...where could they be?"

"Where could who be? The others? Link, they are still over by the castle ruins clearing out what little remnants of Ganon remain. They should be here shortly."

Link fumbled in her hold, body-worn and ragged. The faint sharpness in his breathing caught Zelda's attention, and she heaved a worried sigh of her own, for his sake.

"No, I mean, someone else should have arrived here today. He said they were coming. A new enemy...."

"Who said?" Zelda questioned, lifting her hand to her lips, curiously worried.

"The one who Malroc spoke of. A Witch!"

"Witch? What Witch? Are you certain you heard him right?"

"Yes, no doubt about it. During his last breaths in this world, he told of another, one far more powerful than he. This...Witch..."

As Link leaned forward, he rushed up to scour the area, but he soon crumbled under the weight of his wounds and weariness.

"Link!" Zelda hollered, rushing to catch him in her arms. "You're in no condition to look for anyone right now...Rest...The others will be here soon. Please, you must take it easy for now... you're not invincible."

"And neither are you...."

"I'm not the one trying to wander off and find new foes to contend with at every waking opportunity."

"Oh, really, so you swinging that sword earlier wasn't doing just that?" Link snarked, followed by a sharp grin.

"Hey! You were supposed to be unconscious! How long were you watching? Hmmm?"

"I may have been able to show up a moment or two sooner. Hard to tell, you were so—"

Zelda cut him off. "So, you were just willing to let me do battle with that monstrosity? What if something terrible happened?" Her eyes glistened, amused by his antics and eager to hear what she would believe to be a well-rehearsed response.

Link confidently cleared his throat. "But nothing did, and that's good enough for me. And besides, why would I intervene when you looked so...cute...?"

Zelda's pointy ears perked, and her mouth opened. The fluttering of her heart bounced in her chest. But, she knew she had to calm her emotions. Not yet.

Link continued. "I mean, you were fearsome, of course, but...cute nonetheless waving that blade around," he said, poking fun again. "I was actually kind of worried for Malroc to tell the truth. I mean, with how good you looked swinging that sword around, I could've been out of a job." He teased with a smug, long, lean back from her hold.

Zelda's chin fell to her knee. "Here I was on the verge of death, you left in shambles on the ground, doing battle with the supreme lieutenant of Ganon, terrified beyond all reconciliation, hardly able to wield the thing, and all you have to say for yourself is...cute?"


"Cute?" She questioned again. She had to be sure she heard right.

Link chuckled, and Zelda quickly cupped his mouth for him before he could spew another snarky remark to spoil the moment. This was one compliment she wanted to keep to her chest. She shook her head and bit her lip.

Even here on this desolate battlefield, my cheeks have still found a way to glow warm after all that we've been through. But how could they not? He looked so adorable when he said that. Here we are seconds away from death, terror closing in around us, the likes of which none have faced before in an age, and the first thing to come across Link's mind is that I'm cute? Wait a minute, does that mean he notices a lady? Have I a chance then?

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