requests idk

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ok so yeah i have no idea what to write anymore. and im v lazy and dont feel like writing smut? idk. so if you have any ideas/requests whatever you want me (or someone else idk i can hit someone up) to write, comment/message me. gimme some prompts or something because im shit out of ideas for the meantime.

with prompts you can either pick a ship or just say person A person B (c d e f g idk how many people you want man) etc, and gimme a little story or w.e if you dont know what a prompt is. just a small explanation. ive been thinking of doing a school one but like everyone does that so idk lol.

so yeah. gimme ideas pls

even tho no one will.



idk when ill update next.

pray one of the others feels like writing smut. *loud throat clearing @ them*

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