Yoongi was so confused, not sure what to do or say. Hoseok was sitting there with his face in his hands, his confession taking a lot out of him.

"Were...wait who was the second person?" Yoongi asks. "Wooshik was the guy you, uh, killed right? Who was Mina?"

"Another person I killed."


Yoongi didn't know what do with the information that Hoseok killed more people than he originally thought. First it was those two from the incident in LA and then Wooshik, now this Mina. He understood the first two and learned to live with the third, who was this fourth person? Yoongi couldn't even believe the man who had once been hope to so many killed anybody, much less four people. He himself killed one person before, but that was different.

"H-how-er-why actually, why did you do it?" Yoongi asks, not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

Hoseok sighs and Yoongi knows he's in for a long story.

"It was a little bit after we came back from LA. I had become addicted to drugs and was out of my mind. That's no excuse from what I've done and I'll never use it as one. I was supposed to meet with Mina and buy drugs from her but, it didn't go as planned. I panicked and brought a gun to the meet-up in case anyone tried to you know, hurt me. Instead I ended up killing Mina because I got scared."

"Oh my god, Hobi..."

"That's not all though, I-she...she was pregnant and had more kids," Hoseok says and tears rolled down his cheeks. "That's why Wooshik came after me because he was mad that I left them without a mother. That's what happened in the studio, Wooshik was there looking for me but Jungkook was there instead. Jungkook heard the whole thing about the kids, saw me kill Wooshik and wanted me to tell someone. I didn't though, because I thought...I-I thought you'd leave me after knowing that I did another fucked up thing. We got into it and I...I pointed my gun at him. That's probably why he hates me so much now..."

Hoseok stops his story to cry, Yoongi too shocked for words. He lets Hoseok cry, waiting for him to stop and finish his story. It'd been a while already, Yoongi felt the need to be with his daughter. Soon Hoseok composed himself and began again.

"I'd gotten better after a little while," He says, his face solemn. "After you convinced me to tell the company I was doing so good. Then, there was the night I left. Hwan found me on the streets, cornered me into an alleyway and beat the shit out of me. Can't say I didn't deserve it though. He told me he had guys watching you, ready to kill on his demand. Looking back I don't know if that was true but I was so scared of you dying that I had no choice but to believe and do what he said. He told me to leave, t-to go without saying goodbye like I made Mina do."

"What happened after that?" Yoongi asks, dying to know. "After you left..."

"I got myself a place in England, cut myself from all social media and the internet entirely," Hoseok answered. "I needed to be as far away from you as possible to protect you. I'm glad it worked, seeing that you're here. Um, there's also one more thing."

"What's that?"

"Two years ago I found out Hwan was dead."

"Why didn't you come back then?"

I was too afraid," Hoseok admits. "I found out that you'd moved to America and since it'd been so long I thought you moved on and were happy. I'm glad it's true, seeing you with Jungkook and Mari was really nice."

"Yeah it's-wait, did you say Jungkook?" Yoongi asks, to which Hoseok nods. "Hoseok, Jungkook and I are not together."

"You're not?" Hoseok asks, now being the confused one. "B-but I thought-with how close you two seemed-"

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