As broken as Bangtan was, they were all still family in the end. Since the ceremony was over, the group decided to hang out one last time before they all went their separate ways again. They all celebrated Namjoon, Seokjin included. Their old leader had grown up so well, Yoongi was so proud of him despite everything. The day was coming to an end, Yoongi felt like that wasn't the only thing.

Yoongi watched as if through a lense as his old band members were having fun. The maknae line were joking about doing a live, knowing how crazy armies would go. He was currently sitting on the couch, Mari changed into pajamas already and passed out across his lap. He was running a hand through her soft black locks, her lips drawn up in an unconscious pout. She was so beautiful and would grow up to be even more beautiful, Yoongi was worried he'd have to fend her future admirers away with a stick.


Yoongi jumped at the sudden whisper, looking over to see Hoseok now sitting beside him. Up close and not through the lense of tears and anger, Hoseok looked older, without the intense makeup caking his face hiding that lip mole that Yoongi once found very much attractive. In his eyes held the wisdom of someone who has gone through a lot, of someone whose gone through pain and rose back up like a phoenix. Mari stirred, Yoongi quickly looking down and running his fingers through her hair, instantly lulling her back to sleep. He should really put her to bed.

"I should really put her to bed," Yoongi says, gently lifting the sleeping girl into his arms. "It's getting late, I'm sure Namjoon wants to spend his first night married with his wife."

"I still can't believe he actually tied the knot," Hoseok says, laughing softly. "After all these years, ya know?"

"It's what he's always wanted," Yoongi comments with a smile. "It's not surprising he's the first one out of us all to do it."

Yoongi winced at his wording because, years ago he and Hoseok were going to get married. Not really since Yoongi didn't even get the chance to propose but, there was promise. Still, those days were far behind the noirette. He chose this time to nod at Hoseok before going to put his daughter to bed. As Yoongi laid her down he kissed the girl's cheek and tucked her in.

He turned around and almost bumped face first into a broad chest. It was Hoseok, and Yoongi was starting to get a little irritated. First, everyone chose to meet at Yoongi's hotel room for their little get together then Hoseok has been practically glued to his side, the audacity! Yoongi was about to tell him off when Hoseok spoke first.

"C-can we talk?" The brunette asked, his timid whisper loud in the quiet room.

"Talk?" Yoongi asked. "About what? What else is there to talk about Hoseok-ssi?"

"I would like to take you out on a date."

Before Yoongi could respond Jungkook popped his head into the room, the darkness hiding his face so the others couldn't see his expression. He didn't say anything for a second until he suddenly sprung to life and said that Namjoon was getting ready to go.

"He wanted to say goodbye to everyone," The maknae said before disappearing again. "C'mon, hyungs."

A flabbergasted Yoongi walked past Hoseok, who sighed in defeat. They said their goodbyes to their old leader, looking nervous as though he was getting ready to go on his first date. Yoongi shouldn't think about dates right now. One by one, the others started to leave too. Each and everyone promised to keep in touch but Yoongi didn't see that happening any time soon.

Then it was just Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi left in the living room. The tension in the air was palpable, thick enough that you could've cut it with a knife. Yoongi just wanted them both to leave so he could go to bed. Hoseok looked nervous as Jungkook stared at him with an unreadable expression. They obviously needed to talk too, all three of them in fact.

"Okay let's cut the bullshit," Yoongi says, startling the two on the couch. "We're all aware of the elephant in the room right?"

"More like ghost in the room," Jungkook comments, glaring at Hoseok. "Hoseok hyung, where've you been all these years huh?"

"Keep it quiet Jungkookie," Yoongi scolded the younger. "Let's not forget my daughter's sleeping in the next fucking room."

"That's another thing, hyung," Jungkook starts. "Why are you just content with him being around the child you have together when he's been gone for the majority of her life?"

"I had a reason," Hoseok growls, glaring at Jungkook. "Besides, I don't see why this is your problem, if anything it's between me and Yoongi hyung."

"What was so important that you had to leave your poor pregnant fiancè huh?" Jungkook asks, anger coursing through him. "What good enough a reason was it to just up and disappear without so much of a goodbye to any of us. I say it is my problem because Yoongi hyung called me in tears and begged me to tell him where you were and to take him to the hospital because he was in labour and the one who should've been right by his side was just fucking gone and-"

"I left to protect them!" Hoseok exclaimed, quite loudly.

"Can you two shut the fuck up!?" Yoongi whisper yelled. "If you're any louder then-"


Mari was peeking out from the hallway, her tan plush bunny in her arms as she looked at them with wide scared eyes. Yoongi glared at his two donseongs, whom looked down in shame. The noirette then went to his daughter, wiping away her tears and leading her into the bedroom again. He held Mari as she continued to sniffle, lying her next to him on the pillow. Yoongi was furious she had to see them fighting but wouldn't show it as to not scare his daughter further.

"Why was everyone mad?" Mari asks, her sniffles slowly going away. "The yelling was scary, please don't make them yell again."

"I won't sweetheart," Yoongi says and kisses the top of Mari's head. "You get some sleep now, I'll make sure they won't yell anymore."

"Okay," Mari yawns and clutches her rabbit tight. "And Appa?"

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Is that man in there with Kookie oppa a bad guy?"

"N-no baby, he's not," Yoongi says, feeling his heart break. "He's not bad, I promise."

"Then why is he and oppa fighting?" Mari asks. "You don't like him too."

"We're just...having a disagreement right now."

"What's a...disament?"

"Disagreement," Yoongi repeats slowly. "We are not getting along right now but we are going to talk it over."

"When you talk it over will you become friends again?" Mari asks, her eyes closing.


After that Mari was finally sound asleep. Yoongi sighed and moved some hair out of her face before getting up. He walked back into the living room where Jungkook and Hoseok were sitting. Their heads snapped up when he came in, looking worried and apologetic. As they should be, Yoongi thinks scornfully.

"I think you two should talk things over," Yoongi says and sits on the couch. "At one of your hotel rooms and not mine. I don't want another screaming match that wakes up my daughter again, so I'm kicking you out."

"But hyung-"

"No buts, get the fuck out of here so I can sleep," Yoongi says, his eyes drooping slightly. "We can talk shit over in the morning or something."

So the two leave, dejectedly and looking like scolded puppies. Yoongi almost laughs at the thought, then goes to his room where he passes out almost immediately. He was really fucking tired, it seemed. Later he wakes up in the middle of the night to a few texts, but not caring enough to look at them. He lulled himself back to sleep again, his conciseness fully leaving him.

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