Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Izuku lived his childhood in an orphanage after his parents left him there when he was a baby

skip time

(Izuku is 5 years old)

I used to get beaten up by kids in the orphanage because I didn't have a quirk

Izuku: Please stop! , I did not do anything

Kid 1: Shut up, losers like you deserve it

Kid 2: Right

They continued to hit until they were tired and left him on the ground bruised and unconscious
He was seen by a woman who had just arrived

???: Izuku what happened to you!!

The woman ran and took him and treated his injuries

3 hours later, Izuku woke up

Izuku: Where am I?

???: You finally woke up, I was worried about you

Then I hugged him
Izuku saw the woman and smiled happily and hugged her

Izuku: Thank you very much, Yoko-san

Yoko: Did the kids hit you again?

Izuku sadly: Yes, why is everyone treating me so harshly?

Yoko tenderly: Don't care about them, you never did wrong, don't be sad for them, they don't deserve it

Izuku hugs her tighter

Yuko is the only one who loves and cares for Izuku and has been with him all his life

Izuku: Thank you, Yoko-san

Then he fell asleep in Yuko's arms, who took him to the bed and covered him and kissed his forehead

Yuko with a kind smile: Good night

 Yuko with a kind smile: Good night

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Yoko's appearance

(in Izuku's dreams)

It was in a place that looked like a sewer, and in front of it was a giant cage
Inside is a giant fox

Izuku with a pale face in fear: w w what is that?

Kurama: Don't be afraid, kid, I won't hurt you

Izuku: Oh, where am I, and where is Yoko-san?

Kurama: You are inside your mind and the woman you are talking about is still taking care of you in your sleep

Izuku: I see

Kuarama: Ok, kid, since you're here, I'll be direct. I have a question for you. What is your dream?

Izuku insistently: My dream is to become a hero when I grow up!

Kurama: Well, I saw what these kids did to you and I like that you didn't give up on your dream, so I decided to train you to make your dream come true.

Izuku is surprised: Really!!

Kurama: Yes, because you remind me of an old friend

Izuku: Well, my name is Izuku, and you?

Kuarama: My name is Kurama and I will be your teacher from now on

???: I also intend to train

Izuku, frightened: Ah!

Kurama: Calm down Izuku, what are you doing here

Madara Uchiha?

Madara: It's been a long time Kyuubi, the answer to your question is this kid is my reincarnation

Izuku: Your reincarnation?

Madara: Yes, I will train you to use my abilities

Izuku excitedly: Can I use your abilities?

Madara: Yes, I'll train you on it myself

Then all of a sudden Izuku started crying

Kurama: What's wrong?

Izuku: Nothing, I'm just happy, I always wanted to be a hero, but everyone except Yoko-san was laughing at me and saying I was useless, and hearing that you two would train me makes me so happy.

Madara approaches little Izuku and pats his head

Madara: I'm usually not a nice person but since you're my reincarnation, I believe in you

Kurama: Same goes for me

Madara/Kurama: We'll help you become a great hero!

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