Chapter 10

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(The next day)

Izuku arrived at the Yaoyorozu family home to talk to Momo's parents about training

The servant opened the door for Izuku and let him in

He was greeted at the door by Momo and her parents

Momo's mother is surprised: Madara was really the person Momo was talking about training with!

Momo's father was shocked: You weren't lying then!

Izuku: Hello

Momo: Hi Madara sensei

Momo's father: Welcome, Madara, it's an honor to meet you

Izuku: Nice to meet you too

Momo's mother: Please come in

Then Izuku walked into Momo's house and they started talking

Momo's father: I introduce myself, my name is Yaoyorozu Kai

Momo's mother: I'm Yaoyorozu Jin, nice to meet you

Note: I don't know the name of Momo's mother and father, so I created these names

Izuku: My name is Uchiha Izuku, nice to meet you

Kai: I heard from my daughter that you saved her earlier and I tried to look for you to thank you personally but I couldn't find you but now I can do it, thank you very much for saving my daughter

Kai bowed

Jin: Yes, thanks for saving Momo

Izuku: You don't have to bow, I did what I had to do

Jin with a smile: That's very kind of you

Izuku: Well, I think Momo told you about training, what do you think?

Seriously Kai: Yes, you told us it's hard to let Momo live with you, it's true that you saved her and became her mentor in UA and also a pro champ, but that's not enough, we have to make sure of your intentions more

Izuku: I fully understand this and I assure you that I have no ill intentions for your daughter and also I will train one of her colleagues as well so she will not be alone with me

Momo: Is there someone else? who is he?

Izuku: It's Yagi Izumi, the daughter of All Might

Momo: Then Yagi-san will come

Izuku: Yes, I've known her and her parents for a while

Jane: Where is your house?

Izuku: In the Forest

Jane: Forest!! What are you doing there?

Izuku: I like calm and training and I can get this in the Forest

Kai: How do you go to ua?

Izuku: Using a technique that moves me too fast

Kai: I see, can we visit the place?

Izuku: I don't mind, do you want to go now?

Momo: Yes!

Izuku: Alright

Izuku uses Kamui to transport the Yaoyorozu family, and then himself

( in the forest )

Izuku: This is my house and this is the forest

Momo and her parents were surprised by Izuku's house because they expected it to be a small hut-like house

Jane: Your house is much better than I expected!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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