Chapter 3

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Yagi family home

(Inko's perspective)

I got up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for my family

But I was thinking about the guy who saved my daughter

Which when I saw him I remembered my first son that I left in the orphanage with my husband and I stupidity

(Inko and Toshinori at age 19)

We see that you and everyone who might be talking in a seat outside a hospital

Inko: Toshinori, what should we do? How do we tell our families that I am pregnant with a child?

Toshinori: I don't know, I didn't expect this to happen

Inko: We are too young to be parents and lack experience

Toshinori: Also, if all for one knows that we have a child, he will be in danger and I am afraid that he will harm or take advantage of him.

Inko: So what should we do?

Toshinori seriously: We should put him in the orphanage

Inko worried: What but he is too young to live in a place like this, especially since his parents are alive

Toshinori: We will leave him in the orphanage for five years until we are ready, then bring him home with us and live together as a family

Inko very sad: I don't want to, but if this is the right choice we will do it

Toshinori hugs his wife and says, "Don't worry, one day when we are able to take care of him and protect him, we will come back to take him with us."

They didn't notice that someone had heard their words

??? With an evil laugh: It will be fun

(after 9 months)

She is in a hospital bed and holds a baby sleeping on her lap

Inko with a smile: Toshinori look at our baby he's beautiful

Toshinori: Yes he looks a lot like you, I'll let you name him

Inko excitedly: Well, I want to name Izuku

Toshinori: A cool name

The couple happily talks about their child and how they wish he would be when he grows up

(later on the same day)

Inko looks at Izuku sadly: Should we really leave him in the orphanage?

Toshinori sadly: Yes, we have no other choice to protect him

Inko cried because she wanted to leave her baby until she fell asleep

( after a week )

Inko and Toshinori in front of the orphanage door

Inko crying: Don't worry baby, we will come back to you when we are able to take care of you

Toshinori sadly: Yes we will meet one day and we will be able to live together as a family

Inko kisses her baby's head and tears are falling on his face. The baby laughs at her, which makes her smile even though her tears are still falling.

Then they leave their son Izuku in the orphanage

( After one year )

Toshinori and Inko announce their marriage

Their wedding was attended by their families and all their friends

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