Chapter 4

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Izuku looks seriously at the people standing in front of him

Izuku: I said I would only allow all might and Magnetic to visit me, so may I know why the police and heroes are here?

Nomosa: Calm down young man, we heard from the heroes of that day about you that you defeated a villain and rescued a hostage. You are did it at breakneck speed while they are helpless, so it is our duty as the police to investigate you.

Izuku: Hmh, it's okay, you can come into my house

Izuku opens the door for them and lets them in

Everyone is surprised by the beauty of the place

Inko: It's a beautiful house

Izuku: Thank you

? Midnight: Do you live here alone

Izuku: Yeah

Before they continue to ask these (annoying) questions, Izuku noticed the girl he had saved and decided to talk to her

? Izuku: How are you now

Izumi with a smile: I'm fine now thanks to you, thank you very much for saving me

Izuku: It's okay, now let's get into the topic you want to talk to me about

?Endeavor: Well, who are you

Izuku: Well, I'll tell you a name that you can call me but it's not my real name

?Inko: Why don't you tell us your real name

Izuku: Because I don't trust any of you

Things started to get tense and Nezu noticed it and decided to intervene

Nezu: It's okay. What do you want us to call you?

Izuku does his Sharingan and says, "Call me Madara."

 Izuku's red eyes frightened most of the crowd

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Izuku's red eyes frightened most of the crowd

All might: O ok young Madara we want to ask you how you defeated that villain

Izuku: I used my quirk and attacked him from the middle to save the girl

?Naumosa: Is your quirk using your eyes

Izuku: Yeah

HAWKS: But tell us your left hand was shining with lightning. How did you do that if your quirk was in your eyes?

Izuku: This ability is part of my quirk and I can use some elements like lightning, wind and other elements thanks to my eyes

Everyone was surprised by this while Aizawa had a very serious expression

Aizawa: I think I know who you are

Everyone looks at Aizawa in amazement

Except for Izuku, who looked at him with one eye

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