Chapter 5

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(The next day)

(Izuku pov)

I woke up in the afternoon and had breakfast and then went to buy some roses before heading to the hospital to visit Yoko-san.

(Flashback 9 years ago)

Izuku and Yuko are walking together after they finished shopping

On their way, they encountered an attack from some vilians

There was a fire in the buildings and there was nowhere to hide, Yuko grabbed Izuku's hand and tried to escape

Izuku could defeat most of them because of his training but he was worried about Yuko and didn't want to leave her alone

But before they could escape, a group of villains attacked them

Izuku decides to stop them and protect Yuko

Izuku defeated the villains who attacked him, but, there was one who didn't notice him and was going to attack him from behind, but Yuko pushed him and received the attack from him.

Shocked Izuku: Yoko-san!!!

Yoko fell to the ground, her blood flowing

Izuku ran to her quickly

Izuku: Hold on, Yoko-san!!

Villain: Haha, this woman is stupid. I wanted to kill you
you and not her

Izuku looks at the villain and remembers that he was fighting a hero but how did he get here

Izuku: How did you get here? You were fighting heroes a while ago

The villain: Haha, those cowards ran for their lives and left you to your fate, look around and try to find one hero.

Izuku looks around but all he sees are villains attacking people and the heroes who were there have really escaped.

Izuku does his Sharingan in rage: Those damned ones!!!!

The villain: If you want to blame someone, blame these runaway heroes, they are the ones who let me attack this woman hahahaha

Izuku was going to attack the villain but the hero number 2 Endeavar appeared and attacked the villain

Endeavor: Run, boy!

Izuku: Well, thank you

Izuku takes advantage of that, picks up Yoko, and rushes off to the hospital

Izuku to himself: Saving Yoko-san life is more important than fighting that bastard

Izuku arrives at the hospital, then the doctors take Yoko to the operating department and don't let Izuku in

(after 8 hours)

The doctor comes out and finds Izuku waiting for him

Izuku worried: How is she, doctor?

Doctor: She's alive

Izuku was happy to hear that

Doctor: But she is in a coma now and we don't know when she will wake up

Izuku:what ?

Doctor: Yes, I was seriously injured

Izuku cries: It's my fault, she sacrificed herself to save me

Doctor: Don't say that, she did it because she cares about you and loves you, and she wouldn't be happy if she saw you like that. You have to be strong for her.

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