Slowburn but Make It Quick Pt. 2

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I don't want to get up. It's so warm and cozy here on this bed. The sun shined on my bed, warming every part of my body. It's a warm cocoon in here. I yawn, snuggling next to the warm body- Wait, body?

I shifted, turning to face the person next to me. I gasped. Ryder was sleeping, looking as peaceful as an angel. His hair, normally so neat, was ruffled. His eyebrows, normally creased, was relaxed as can be. I noticed his splay of freckles on his cheeks. I want to kiss every single one. His lips were so precious, so pink, so perfectly carved. When he was sleeping, I could almost imagine that he did no harm. He looked almost... innocent.

"Good morning, babygirl." Ryder smirked. His sea green orbs twinkled in amusement.

"Could you stop calling me that?" I asked, even though that nickname made my heart beat faster.

"Ok, babygirl."

I suddenly realized how close we are. I could feel his body heat radiating off him. I looked at his delicious lips. We were only milimeters away. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

His lips parted. "Brynn." he whispered, his voice hoarse. He leaned closer and closer and-

"Brynn! Time for breakfast!" My brother called out.

We backed away from each other. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. My heart was hammering like a bulldozer.

"All right, I'm coming up!" My brother yelled.

Ryder got off my bed. "I got to go. See you later, babygirl."

He winked at me, and jumped off the window.

Garrett opened my door. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes." I said, calming my beating heart. "Yes."


The next few days passed in a blur. Before I know it, it was Friday-- the day of the party.

"No, no, no! Do you have any good clothes?" Malcolm X said, her face in my closet. She rummaged through the closet, trying to find a good outfit for me.

After a while of searching, she finally pulled out an outfit. "Aha!" She was holding a skimpy black outfit that barely covered my body. "I found this in the back of the closet."

"I don't want to wear that." I said. I remember how I got that outfit. My dad gave it to me before he died. I never wore it. Just looking at it gave me too many bad memories.

"Nope. You're wearing it. No exceptions." Malcolm X said.

I hesistatingly put on the dress.

"Now come on. I'm going to do your makeup."

"But I don't wear makeup. I don't want to wear makeup." I said.

"Too bad, you have no say in this." Malcolm X waved me over to the chair. I sat on it and closed my eyes. She began fussing over my face. "I can't wait for this party. Chris is going to be there!" She squealed. "Maybe I'll finally get a chance with him."

"Will... will Ryder be there too?" I asked, hoping to be subtle.

"Of course he'll be there. He never misses a party." Even though I'm closing my eyes, I could feel her teasing smile directed at me.

She continues to do my makeup. After she was done, she pulled my hair into a bun and put jewelry on my body.

"One last touch." She said, giving me a pair of black heels. "Now I'm done. Wow, look at you!" I opened my eyes.

I gasped. Another person looked at me in my reflection. My hair was pulled in a beautiful bun. The makeup accentuated all of my best features. The dress and jewelry fit my body well, emphasizing my sharp neckline. I looked... beautiful.

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