A Chapter of Mostly Fluff (As a Treat)

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I groggily rubbed my eyes. I'm so sore. My legs felt like jelly, shivering from the memories last night. I don't think I could ever walk again.

Last night was a blur, a gaussian blur. I had the best sex of my life. Ryder took my virginity, and I liked it. I came a million times. He was so rough and passionate. We did it in many styles and shapes, on every surface of the room. Of course, we didn't use a condom. But what were the chances of me getting pregnant?

I can feel his seven inch magic wand pressing against me and my legs shiver. Suddenly, Ryder started kissing my neck. I turned over and faced him.

"Good morning." I murmured as he kissed me on the lips. I moaned as the kiss became deeper and soon, we were in the same position as we were last night.

"You're mine." He growled, licking his mark on my neck. He had marked me last night. I moaned hard at the memory.

"Ryder." I groaned.

"You're so delicious." He snarled, licking my skin.

When he was done, we laid down, looking at each other. I traced my finger around all the tattoos he had. I was too busy last night to appreciate all his tattoos. Ryder held his breath, watching the path of my finger.

"What does this one mean?" I asked, tracing a tattoo of a rose with the initial C.D.

Ryder looked away. "I got it in honor of my sister, Clara Daniels. This is a reminder of her and why I need to take revenge on the Evil One."

"That is very sweet." I said, my heart melting a little. "I want to get a matching tattoo."

Ryder raised his eyebrow. He looked so hot doing that.

"What's wrong? Do you not want me to get a matching tattoo?" I asked, swirling my fingers around the ink.

"Getting a tattoo is bloody painful, babygirl." He said, smoothing my hair back. "I don't think you can handle it."

"Of course I can. I'm a strong independent woman."

He laughed, his breath ghosting over my lips. "As much as I want my girlfriend-"

"Girlfriend?" I smiled shyly. The butterflies started fluttering quickly in my stomach.

Was it my imagination, or did his ears turned the slightest bit red? "Yeah. We're dating, right?"

I giggled. "Dating? We haven't even gone on a date yet."

"We did. Remember when I took you to my forest?"

"Yeah, but that was only one date." I pouted, turning away.

Ryder pressed a kiss against the mark on my shoulders. "Well, Brynn Winters, my girlfriend, do you want to go on a date with me?"

I smiled so hard, my cheeks were starting to hurt. "Yes!"

I slowly sat up and looked at the mess we made in his room. His bed was broken, and all his other furniture were broken. The walls had large cracks, on the verge of being broken. I looked around, trying to find my clothes. I couldn't find any, and the ones I could find were ripped. Ryder could not hold back last night. "Oh no. I have nothing to wear!"

"Oh no. I guess you have to wear my clothes now." Ryder smirked, tossing me his hoodie and a pair of sweatpants.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course." He smirked.

I got off the bed and changed into his clothes. His clothes were so big. It engulfed me. I felt like a child in his clothes. His shirt hung over my thighs and his pants were pooling on the ground. I looked at Ryder, and he looked back at me with a hungry expression.

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