The Sex Chapter

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After that almost kiss, it was like a switch was flipped. Ryder became meaner and bossier. He sent a mountain of work for me to do.

I looked at him through the window between our offices. Every time I do, he was looking back, glaring at me. The day passed by quickly as I rushed around, trying to finish all the paperwork. I don't even know what paperwork is. By the end of the day, I was exhausted.

When the clock struck seven, Ryder opened the door to my office.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Be respectful, Brynn." He snarled. I tried to hide the hurt I felt when he didn't call me babygirl.

"I'm sorry. What do you want, sir?"

"You're going to be my wife for my dinner with Father tonight. No questions asked." He growled.

"B-but I-I-"

"I said no questions asked. You're my personal assistant, Brynn. You should do whatever I say." He said in a British accent as he leaned closer to me. Suddenly, I could barely think. It should be illegal for him to have this much resolution independent effect on me.

"Fine." I snapped. "I'll be your stupid wife."

I stood up, but he put out a hand to stop me. "If you are going to go, you need a better outfit than... that."

His eyes trailed across my body, setting every nerve on fire. He licked his lips and I must be imagining this, because I heard him moan.

"Come on." He gripped my wrist with his large strong hands and started dragging me. I followed him reluctantly.

We walked down rooms and hallways and staircases until we reached my room. He opened my closet and grabbed a fancy, sparkling bottle blue dress with a bottleneck collar.

"Wear this." He said. His voice was firm, allowing no opposition.

I grabbed the dress and waited for him to turn around. He raised his eyebrows. "I've seen you naked before, babygirl."

I ignored the shiver that went through my traitorous body.

I slowly pulled the shirt over my head. Ryder watched my every move. Then, I slowly pulled the jeans down. Then, I stood there, wearing only my bra and underpanties. It was a matching red set. Ryder's hands were clenched so tight, his knuckles turned white.

I put on the dress the best I could. It was extremely tight and hugged my curves perfectly. The dress flowed down like a river. I tried to zip up the dress, but I couldn't.

"Let me help you." He said. He walked slowly towards me and reached for the zipper.

"You don't have to." I said, my voice sounding higher than usual.

He doesn't respond. Instead, he brushed away my hair. He used his other hand to zip up my dress. I could feel his minty breath on my shoulders. His feather light fingers pushed the zipper up, spreading goosebumps on my skin.

"There." He said hoarsely. "Let's go."

He walked out the door without a sound. I watched him as he walked away.


Ryder looked amazing in a suit. His suit accentuated all his best features, making him look really hot. 

I tried not to notice that as I walked towards his fancy sports car parked in the driveway. He was already sitting on the driver's seat.

"What made you so late?" He snapped.

I rolled my orbs. I had tripped over my own legs because I was clumsy.

He pressed the heel of his palms on his eyelids, whatever that means. "You know what? It doesn't matter."

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