The Most "Werewolf" Chapter In The Story

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When I woke up, Ryder was wrapped around me. His right hand was under me, and his left hand was over me. His left leg was on top of my legs. His chest was pressing against my back. Got all that?

I wrapped my arms and legs around Ryder. I shifted and I could feel his hardness pressing against me.

I turned around to face him without moving my arms and legs. His face looked so peaceful and calm. The crease in his eyebrows was smoothed. A small smile was formed on his lips.

I mischievously decided to wake him up. First, I pressed kisses on his neck. Then I moved up, dragging my lips to his chin. Then to both of his cheeks. I make a path until I kissed the corner of his lips. I pecked his lips once. Twice.

"Good morning." Ryder said sleepily. His sleepy voice sent shivers into my body.

"Good morning." I said. He pressed his lips against mine. I closed my orbs at the familiar sensation.

The kiss quickly turned into more, and soon, all my clothes were ripped off. But it was all fake. He was only doing the dirty deed to pretend I'm his wife.

"You're so beautiful, babygirl." Ryder smirked as he ravished my body. "What did I do to deserve you?"

I moaned in response. I couldn't really think when his fingers were doing magic. He stroked me, playing me like an instrument.

"I have to have you right now. You're mine." Ryder smirked. Before I could do anything, I could hear someone's throat clearing.

I looked up. It was the moon goddess. I lifted up the blankets to cover my naked body.

"Happy birthday." The moon goddess said.

"Thank you." I said. I pouted at Ryder. "Ryder, why didn't you remember my birthday?"

"I did remember. I was just distracted by your body." He smirked, kissing my mark.

The moon goddess cleared her throat again. "Brynn. You will now be able to shift into a white wolf."

"How do I do that?" I asked.

The moon goddess ignored me. "You're also half vampire, half witch, half omega, half animal, and half Mary Sue."

I gasped.

"You also have a prophecy." The moon goddess pulled out a parchment paper. "The prophecy says: You will defeat Great Evil."

I gasped. "What does that mean?"

"What do you think it means?" The moon goddess raised her eyebrow. "Now, to shift into a werewolf, just think about shifting into a werewolf. Got it?"

I gasped. "Got it."

"Great. I have to go." The moon goddess said as she began disappearing.

"Wait! I have more questions!" I shouted. But the moon goddess already disappeared.

"Do you want to try shifting into a werewolf?" Ryder asked.

"Sure." I said, smiling at him.

I thought about shifting. I thought about the image of my wolf and pretended shifting. At first, nothing happened. But slowly, I could feel my bones shifting. I closed my orbs. It was painful, but not that painful. I waited until the process was over before opening my orbs.

"Wow." I said, looking into the mirror. Instead of myself, I saw a beautiful, dazzling white wolf.

"You look beautiful." Ryder said, awestruck. He quickly shifted into a wolf. I watched as clothes fell off him as his body became too big for the clothes. He was a black wolf. Standing together, it felt like we were... a metaphor. Of something.

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