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Leo holds his face in his hands and struggles to keep his eyes open. The café is already empty and Naomi is cleaning the tables while Aaron sighs happily knowing that the day is over and he doesn't have to talk to people anymore.

At one point Leo falls asleep at the table, only hearing the noises of Naomi and Aaron talking, and soon wakes up when someone touches his shoulder gently.

"Here. I think this is going to help you stay awake for a little while"

He looks up with sleepy eyes and sees Aaron in front of him with a pumpkin spice latte in his hand. Leo never refuses a cup of coffee but now he wants to sleep like he never did before. Still, somehow he can't bring himself to say no to Aaron and takes the cup of coffee gulping down almost half of it.

"Hey... If you don't mind me asking.... Are you from around here?" He looks at Aaron still sleepy realizing that the coffee didn't work and his eyes are still almost closed.

Leo can tell that he is surprised at the question but he sits down across from him anyway and looks down at the wooden table like it's the most interesting thing in the room.

"I'm from Scotland actually. I moved here with my father a month ago so I'm still not familiar with the surroundings"

"So that's why I thought you had a weird accent. I mean I just couldn't put my finger on it. It sounded British but at some words it was like Irish? I don't really know... "

"Well... I try not to stand out much. I don't really like meeting new people so this was like a nightmare for me"

"Then why did you decided to get a job at a café? I mean this is a place where you have to talk to people... Like... A lot"

"To me it sounded like the most easiest option. I just wanted to earn some money for me and my dad... It's not like we're struggling or something... It's just a big difference when you spend money that you earned with hard work"

"Wow... I feel like that's the most I will ever hear you speak in my life"

Aaron laughs at Leo who smiles back. He feels like this "new guy" could be someone that he can get along with pretty well. At first he seemed jumpy. Maybe too jumpy. But now actually talking to him seems like a whole different experience. Like there's another person in front of him.

"I feel better like this. There aren't many people around. I feel like I can open up and actually talk to you without stuttering. Fuck my social anxiety"

"So that's why you were so nervous when we first talked today"

"Yeah... Sorry if I came off as a weirdo"

"No... I mean... It's fine... Most people are nervous on their first day of work so I assumed that's why you were so anxious"

"This is really not the job for me is it?" Aaron hides his face in his hands and sighs loudly before looking at Leo who just shruggs with a smile.

"I feel like you can get through it. You just have to make it work"

"I see that you warmed up to each other already. Don't mind me! I'll just clean that last table and then we can all leave. Also Leo you're a sweetheart! Can't believe you waited for me" Naomi starts with a sarcastic tone but ends up squishing Leo's cheek with a happy smile on her face.

"What are you? My mom?" Leo groans and pushes Naomi's hand away from his face but still smiles at her.

"Well if we think about that... I kind of am!"

"Says the one who got drunk and I had to give her cookies to fall asleep"

"Hey! I'm at work! Don't talk about my private life here" Naomi says giving Leo a noogie.

"It sounds like you have a lot of fun in your free time" Aaron looks at them with a fond smile and then down at his feet.

"Next time when we get drinks you can come too! Leo's paying anyway. I'm sure he won't mind" Naomi happily grabs her coat as Leo stands up as well, ready to leave.

"Hey! What am I? Your sugar daddy?" He sticks his tongue out at her and runs towards the door as Aaron puts his scarf around his neck and takes his coat following Naomi out of the café.

Leo jumps on her back as she struggles to lock the café door and they both laugh loudly enough to probably wake up the whole neighborhood.

"I thought you were sleepy? Where is this energy coming from?" She takes a deep breath and looks at Leo with a raised eyebrow.

He just shurgges and looks up at the stars. No clouds tonight. You can see every single star and the moon brightly shining over the sleepy buildings in the city. Only a car passing by disturbs the silence that engulfs them as they are walking down the street.

"Hey Aaron... Where do you live? Is it far from here?" Naomi speaks up and Leo almost wants to frown wanting the calm silence from before to come back.

"Not really... I'll take the bus"

"To the bus station we go!"

"Wait wait... But you live right around the block!" Leo stops and a questionable look appears on his face.

"Well it's rude to leave our new friend alone in the middle of the night isn't it?" Naomi sits down on the bench at the bus station.

Leo followes her and sits down too while Aaron scratches the back of his head.

"You really didn't had to bother" He then sits down too and takes his phone out.

Leo doesn't want to look at his messages and intrude his privacy but he can't help it when he sees the little smile from his face dissapear the moment he opens his phone. He can't see anything though because Aaron closes his phone as fast as he opened it and puts it in his pocket with a loud sigh.

Leo opens his mouth to say something but the bus arrives, intrerrupting him. He looks at Naomi who has her eyes closed and head leaning against his shoulder gently.

"Hey... Wake up. The bus is here"

She opens her eyes confused but immediately stands up, the shame that she is feeling right now turning her face red.

"I can't believe I fell asleep"

They enter the bus and Naomi sits down next to Leo. He lets her have the window seat because he knows that she likes it and Aaron sits across from them.

The bus starts moving and Naomi falls asleep again this time resting her head against the window. Leo leans his head back against the bus seat and looks over at Aaron who smiles looking down at his hands.

"What's up?" Leo asks almost whispering, careful not to wake up Naomi.

"Nothing I'm just.... I'm just happy to have friends"

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