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Leo feels like this day will be a good day. He has that feeling in his bones that makes him want to jump out of bed and smile like an idiot at the sky.

He woke up early and just couldn't shake off this weird feeling. His mother left for work and he just stood there and smiled at the ceiling. It's kind of concerning. He's starting to wonder if he's going crazy.

He follows this feeling out of bed, slowly walking to the bathroom, taking his time to enjoy this moment when he actually feels like things are going right. Walking pass the window he sees that the sun is already up and the sky is clear. It's rare to see such a beautiful sky in October and if this would have been a few days ago, he would have looked out the window with disgust, but now he's still smiling like an idiot. It's like another sign that this day is going to be good.

Finally seeing his face in the mirror kind of brings him back to reality. The boy that was smiling a few moments ago is now frowning at himself.

A pimple. Right on his forehead. Leo struggles to keep his smile and just tries to tell himself that a pimple can't destroy this feeling that he had since he woke up. It just doesn't feel right for him thought. All he can do is curse silently because he has already done his time in the prison called "puberty".

He washes his face and jumps slightly when he hears his phone ringing from his bedroom. Forgetting the water on he just rushes to it and answers it immediately.

"Aaron! What's up?"

"Nothing much. I'm just wondering if you're available right now. Naomi wants us to go get some ice cream together. What do you say? Nicholas is coming too"

"Ice cream in October? Isn't it a bit cold for that?" Leo peeks at the bathroom through the open door and almost screams when he sees water flowing out of the sink.

"Well it's pretty sunny today so we thought-"

"Hey Aaron... I uh... I have to go. I'm gonna be there though. Can't wait!" He doesn't wait too long before closing the call and rushing to the bathroom.

While running towards the sink he's rethinking all his life decisions. Next thing he sees himself slipping on the water that fell on the ground and falling face first in the bathtub.

Leo uses all his strength that he has, after falling with his face in the bathtub and hitting his head, and turns off the water. He just stays there in complete silence looking at the ground and wondering what he did wrong in another life to deserve this.

He comes back to his senses and hopes that at least the 'looking up at the sky while smiling' part will go well. With this hope, he stands up and gets dressed in a rush remembering that he promised to go get ice cream with his friends.

Leo steps out of the building confident while looking up at the sky but before he can even smile and let the sun rays hit his face, the sound of a drill interrupted his calm state. He looks to his right seeing the workers making so much noise he wants to cuts his ears off. What are they even building now? What are they working for? Why are they always working?

He mumbles something under his breath, careful not to let anyone hear him, and looks surprised at his left seeing Aaron standing next to his building.

"Uh... Hey?" Leo takes a few steps and Aaron looks up from his phone a bit confused.

"Hey! Um... Naomi told me to come and get you... I didn't knew if this was where you lived... I've waited for a while and you still haven't shown up so..."

Leo looks at the ground for a bit before touching his head gently and rubbing his forehead where he now had a bump because of the fall. Aaron thinks really hard for a few seconds until his eyes fill with panic and his hands start shaking.

"You must be uncomfortable! Sorry I came here without telling you. I should have told you. I'm not a stalker if you thinks so! Naomi told me to-"

"I'm not uncomfortable. It's just... I'm processing information... You know... I fell in my bathtub this morning and hit my head. I don't remember for how long I stood there and thought about what just happened" Leo intrerrupts Aaron while touching his head again still looking at the ground.

"Oh okay... Wait what?" Aaron curiously bends down slightly and looks at his forehead.

"To hell with it! I actually thought this was going to be a good day! I woke up smiling but then saw that I had a fucking pimple on my forehead! I forgot the water on while I was talking to you on the phone and then slipped on it and fell in the bathtub hitting my head. I sat there for a while but to me it seemed like a minute! For how long were you waiting for me?"

"Half an hour"

Aaron doesn't ask any further questions because he can tell that Leo is already angry enough. He waves his hands in the air and stomps his feet on the ground.

"Oh for fuck's sake! I'm so sorry!"

"Well... It's okay! And the best thing is that this day isn't over! So... Ice cream?" Aaron tries to stay optimistic and smiles at him.

Leo smiles back and nods his head like he wasn't screaming because of anger just a minute ago.

They both walk down the street, the sun rays hitting the branches of the trees that decorate the city. The last leaves fall on the ground crunching under the feet of the busy people.

The city enjoys the last days of October with a clear sky and sunshine. It's only a matter of time before November arrives and takes over with its cold wind and dark clouds.

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