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Last week passed as fast as it came. The four of them got ice cream to enjoy a free day together. As soon as that ended they were back to their regular routines.

Leo got a good grade on his essay but is still anxious. He feels like his teacher expected more of him. His expression, when he told him his grade, wasn't a happy one. It wasn't an angry one either. Kind of neutral. That's the problem. Leo hates neutral expressions because he can't tell if the person is proud or disappointed in him. It's basically in the middle. He didn't pushed it though and just hopes that when he gets the chance to write something like this again he'll be more inspired.

Aaron is doing a lot better at his job. He still has a hard time making conversations and stutters but he's learned how to control himself in front of people and not make a fool of himself. He also put a lot of hard work into memorizing the prices and learning how to prepare the coffee. Usually Naomi helps him when he gets stuck at doing something but lately she seemed really out of it.

Leo and Nicholas noticed it too and got worried. She's been too stressed about school lately. 

When Naomi got into med school she was happy and knew that it's nothing she can't handle but lately she's been really stressed about doing her best. Even though she was very passionate about music and worked very hard for it in high school, she choose another path because of her mother.

Naomi didn't want anyone to go through what she went through when she lost her mother and that's why after her death she was obsessed about the idea of getting into med school. Sadly, she had to quit music and dedicated all of her time to studying.

"Calm down for a bit" Leo looks at Naomi who runs around the café wiping the tables.

"Yeah I mean... We're closing soon so you can rest for a while" Aaron is more worried than Leo or Nicholas expected him to be.

Something in him moved when Naomi said those words last time. Someone being there for him and listening is not a feeling he's used to. It makes him want to do the same. He wants to be there for her too.

"Hey so um... Last time I got lost in my fight with Nicholas... I don't want you to think I'm insensitive or something... Your scar... Can I see it again?"

Aaron nods and shows Leo his forearm again, looking down and not daring to make eye contact with him.

Leo feels like an asshole because of what happened last time. He knows how hard it is for Aaron to open up to him and he just brushed off something so important to him.

"Does it still hurt?"

"Of course not...it happened a long time ago"

"How much did it hurt when it happened?... Wait that's a stupid question-"

"It hurt a lot for sure... I don't remember that well but I know that I thought they need to amputate my arm"

Leo gently touches his arm before tracing his finger across the scar. Aaron smiles at him knowing that he cares. He didn't had to say it out loud. He's happy that he can actually share this with someone. It's not something too big but getting it off his chest feels a little bit better. Having someone there for you, knowing that you can tell them anything and trusting them, is a new feeling for him.

"I think we can leave" Naomi takes her coat and beret in a hurry.

Aaron and Leo look at each other thinking the same thing before following her out of the café. It's gotten significantly colder outside and even though there's still a month left until winter comes, the cold wind and dark clouds already took over the city.

"Hey Naomi... What's up? You've been kind of... Weird lately? Did something happen?" Leo is the first one that speaks up and Naomi just looks down ignoring him at first but then stopping suddenly.

She looks back at him and sighs loudly before rubbing her face with both her hands.

"It's nothing... I just... Have a few tests coming up... I feel like I forgot everything I've learned these past few years"

"You're just stressed. Everything is going to be okay! You need to calm down a bit and try to make a schedule that will help you. Even when you're studying you still need a break sometimes" Aaron tries to give an advice that he can't follow.

Leo knows this too. When a test approaches nobody really cares about their schedule anymore. Sleep is a privilege and meals are eaten only when you see that you can't even understand a thing of what you're studying anymore. Usually when this happens Nicholas lives most on coffee and forgets about basic human needs. Leo tries to study as much as he can and just hopes that he won't fail. Aaron, however, is determined to get good grades and locks himself in his room reading books all day and night and sometimes taking breaks to drink tea or listen to some music.

Naomi was always calm when she had a test coming up and knew how to organize her time in order to get a good night sleep and have energy to study the next day. Right now she doesn't look calm at all.

"Sometimes I'm just wondering how my life would be now if I would focus on music again"

Leo is surprised to hear this from her. She hasn't talked about leaving music behind since her mother died. Leo and Nicholas both know that she misses playing the piano and the violin but they can't really straight up ask her about it. She suffered enough from her mother's death and they don't want to open up a closed wound.

"You should do what makes you happy. I don't know what happened that made you quit music but... I think it all passed now. It's important to move on from the past if it hurts you"

Naomi just looks at Aaron and doesn't really have anything to say back to him. She know that she needs to do what makes her happy but sometimes it's just so hard. Doing something you enjoy can be so easy and so hard at the same time.

"Thanks... I guess I needed to hear that"

"If you need some advice I'm the worst guy to go to, but I guess I could say a few motivational quotes"

Leo laughs and Naomi smiles at Aaron who just puts his hands in his pockets with a silly grin on his face.

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