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"I wish I was how you see me. I'm not like that, believe me. I have my insecurities too. Insecurities make us who we are. Yes they suck but we can't change them. We have to learn how to live with them"

"You're being wise again" Aaron can't help but laugh this time and Leo just smiles at him.

There's silence in the air but not an awkward one. This time both Leo and Aaron are comfortable not saying a word to each other. Just enjoying the company is enough.

They both lie down on the bed. Aaron has a lot he could, and wants, to say but the calm silence makes him want to stay like this forever. Him, Leo and Button peacefully enjoying the atmosphere.

At first Leo came off as very confident to Aaron. In his eyes the boy was every thing he wasn't. Straight to the point and forward. Not as sensitive and driven by emotions as he is. Seeing this new side of him, a more vulnerable one, makes him want to enjoy every bit of it.

He doesn't realize that he's staring at Leo for some time and only when the other boy looks at him curiously he stands up flustered.

"Uh... Sorry... I was thinking" Aaron doesn't know what lie he can make up now that can be believed by Leo.

"Thinking about what?"

His mind goes blank. He can't think of anything he was "thinking about" just a moment ago.

When Leo sees him beating himself over it he just laughs and waves one hand in the air.

"It's fine. I was just joking. Your mind is a free space. It's good to explore it sometimes"

Aaron doesn't answer, just nods in agreement and sighs remembering his problem in the first place and why he's acting like the world is ending.

"Remember that friend I told you about? I'm kind of... Scared? I'm scared to talk to them again. It's like I'm going to stay in the way of everything they fought for. I just appear out of nowhere and bring back bad memories for them anyway"

Leo stays silent for a while and Aaron thinks twice about saying anything again. He feels that maybe it was a mistake that he told him all this. Does he sound crazy?

"I think you should talk to them. Sometimes talking to old friends can be refreshing. If you've been there for them before what's different now? What's stopping you now?"

Such a simple question makes him nervously ruffle his hair and tap his feet against the floor like crazy. Why? He always tells himself "you can't do it" but never "why". So what's stopping him after all? The annoying thoughts he always has? Or maybe his fears?

"I don't know what you're thinking right now but I just want to let you know that you deserve friends. You deserve to be happy just as much as everyone does"

Aaron looks up from the floor and is met with Leo's blue eyes staring back at him. They stay like that for some time, just looking at each other not really knowing how much time passed before Aaron finally finds the courage and looks back at his phone ready to text Alexis this time.


Before he can do anything Leo touches his wrist gently and looks at him again.

"Are you sure about this? I don't want you to do something you'll regret just because I said so. You have to be sure about this yourself"

"I am. I really am" Aaron says in a decisive voice and Leo is almost surprised seeing him so sure of himself.

"Then go ahead" he smiles.

Hey! It's Aaron. I thought about what you said and I think you're right... Want to hang out sometime? I'm free this weekend if you want to. I know a really good place we can go to. Anyways... Feel free to text me back or call me if you want to

Aaron sends the text and lets out a breath he's been holding since he started typing. He looks back and smiles while taking Leo's hands in his, gently, feeling excited. 

"Thank you! You helped a lot just now. You're really good at giving advice! Also at making me feel like I'm not as bad as I think I am"

He looks down for some time, deep in thought and then he comes back to reality noticing the fact that he's been holding Leo's hands for some time and also that the other is looking at him rather amused than creeped out. Also not amused in a mean way but in a weirdly comforting way.

"Whenever you feel bad or scared you can always hold my hands if it makes you feel better"

Aaron can't tell if Leo is joking or not but judged by the serious look the other has on his face, he doesn't think he's joking. That makes his face turn bright red and he just hopes out of a miracle Leo doesn't notice.

"Uhh... Thanks..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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