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"Yesterday I was eating instant noodles for dinner and I swear that they reminded me of your hair... I don't know why-"

"You want to eat my hair?" Leo looks at Aaron with a serious face and gasps in surprise trying to be as dramatic as he possibly can be.

"You don't understand-"

"You want to eat my hair! I should wear a helmet so I can protect my precious hair! You savage beast!"

"Why do you want to eat his hair? I tried it and it's not that delicious" Nicholas looks up from his book with a bored look and yawns as Leo hits his shoulder.

"When did you tried my hair?"

"You were sleeping once and it looked really fluffy so I tried to lick it but it tasted like hair gel so ew..."

"You fucking weirdo"

"I didn't knew you had such a desirable hair" Naomi laughs while messing up Leo's hair who slaps her hand away.

"It's actually very fluffy" Aaron also slides his hand through the ginger curls that feel soft under his hand.

"Why is everyone touching my hair? And Nicholas I'm still disturbed by the fact that you actually licked my hair while I was asleep"

"I was young and dumb okay? We all did mistakes we regret"

"You talk like you're 90 years old"

"Maybe I am"

"That explains why you always have back pain and a resting bitch face"

"Is that supposed to be insulting?"

Naomi raises an eyebrow at the two boys as Aaron just smiles at her. Sometimes when Nicholas and Leo get into a 'fight' they can go on and on for hours without even knowing when to stop and losing track of time. It's true that after you truly get to know someone your whole view of that person can change. It's the same with Aaron.

He seemed like a shy and weird person at first but now he's more relaxed around his new friends. Leo actually found out that Aaron can be goofy if he wants to. He also knows how to dance pretty good and his singing voice is not that bad except the fact that he doesn't really takes himself seriously at karaoke .

Aaron also used to play volleyball in high school and it seems like he was really good at it judging from all the things he told Leo and the photos he has on his phone.

"Oh I forgot to tell you! I actually got a mop dog! Look how cute he is!" Nicholas takes out his phone from his pocket and shows a photo of a cute dog on the floor.

At first, because of his long white corded coat , Leo thinks that Nicholas actually shows him a picture of a mop, not a dog. Aaron smiles at the picture finding the dog very cute and adorable. Seeing a dog in a photo doesn't cause him any problems but when the creature is in front of him he feels terrified.

"What's his name?" Aaron asks while Leo still tries to look for the dog in the photo.

"Elmo! Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen? Tomorrow I'm going to bring him to the café with me"

"You mean... Here?" Aaron gulps and Naomi winks at him.

"Don't worry. We'll keep him under control. He won't eat you"

"That's very reassuring" Leo raises one eyebrow at Naomi and then puts his arm around Aaron's shoulders.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he can't see where he's going with that crazy fur in his eyes"

"Hey! Don't insult my dog! He can see better than you can!" Nicholas slams his hand against the table and stands up putting his coat on.

"Leaving already?"

"Yeah. I have to go back to the library"

"Wait! I'm also leaving. Every Friday I have to be home for dinner because me and my dad cook something together" Aaron stands up and puts his beanie and jacket on following Nicholas out of the café while waving at Naomi and Leo.

"Hey... Is your fear of dogs that bad? I mean... If you feel uncomfortable I won't bring Elmo tomorrow"

"No! It's fine! I'm actually curious. I would love to see him"

"Just tell me if it gets too much for you. I will keep him in a leash anyway"

Aaron and Nicholas haven't spent much time alone. Just the two of them. Aaron didn't had the time to know him like he knows Naomi and Leo. Of course he learns new things about his friends everyday but Nicholas still seems like a mystery to him. Except the fact that he loves reading and that he can be too loud sometimes, Aaron still has a lot to learn about Nicholas.

"What book were you reading back there?"

"Oh... It's Notre-Dame de Paris. French book that was later published in English as The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

"You know French that well?" Aaron looks at Nicholas surprised and the other just laughs.

"I don't know why you seem surprised. A lot of Canadians know French. My dad is from France actually"

"Oh god this is so embarrassing. Neither Naomi or Leo told me about your dad though"

"It's fine really. Well... Safe journey home"

"Thanks... Hope you enjoy the book further"

"I actually finished it"

"I think I should shut up at this point"

Nicholas throws his head back and laughs before waving at Aaron who walks to the bus station. He sits down on the bench waiting for the bus patiently while checking his phone.

Someone takes fast steps towards the bus station and remains standing next to the bench Aaron is sitting on. He doesn't bother turning around to see who it is and just stares at his phone, trying to act like he's doing something important.

He hopes that the fact that he is looking at his phone with a dumb expression will go unnoticed by the person next to him. Still his curiosity gets the best of him and he takes a look at who is next to him. Aaron surely wasn't expecting to see such a familiar face in the bus station.

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