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"Bey stop! Stop stop stop" Onika panted. There was too much pressure, causing her to moan out in pain. She thought it would make her feel better, but was soon surprised when a wave of pain came.

"You should stop sounding like that. Making me hard for nothing." Beyoncé groaned.

Onika woke up with a huge pain in the right side of her stomach. Her first instinct was to call her mother, but she remembered she moved. The last time she talked to her mother, she was asking for Onikas address.

Immediately, she acted as if her signal went out. The last thing she wanted was for her mom to come and keep coming. Then she realized that she would need her more than she thought, so she gave it up.

Momma Carol was busy, so she called Beyoncé. Nicki didn't know what to do with the pain, so why not call someone older than you?

"Beyoncé it hurts so fucking bad yo. I'm about to die! Just kill me now, I can't take shit!" Onika said loudly. Beyoncé rolled her eyes and applied more pressure.

Onika shot up and swung, but missed. "Fuck!" She yelled clutching her stomach. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" she started to cry.

Beyoncé didn't think it was that serious at first, until those tears started to fall consistently. She rubbed the area, because that's all she could do.

All of a sudden, Onika flew from the bed and into the bathroom, straight for the toilet. Everything she'd eaten yesterday came up.

That seemed to ease the pain, and she soon felt fine. After brushing her teeth, she came out of the bathroom all smiles. Beyoncé was confused because she was just crying.

She psycho as fuck, Beyoncé thought. Onika walked into her living room, eyeing the furniture. It was just sitting there, not put up.

"Come on let's put this couch together." Beyoncé clapped. Onika walked into the living room, siting pretty. She wasn't about to do it, not if Beyoncé was there.

Of course she knew how, her dad taught her to never depend on a dude, unless it was him. Beyoncé started to screw the stoppers at the bottom of the couch before flipping it to sit up. That's all needed to be done.

The movers put the dramatic parts together. Beyoncé didn't know why Onika needed a dramatic pink couch anyways. But whatever makes her happy.

Onika figured, while Beyoncé was putting things together, she could shop for more home items online. The apartment was very spacious for it to be that. There were 3 rooms, and 2 bathrooms. A lot more space than what she really needed.

As they sat in silence, both being occupied, a knock was heard at the door. Onika got up quickly, thinking it was one of her friends. She was surprised when her Mom was at the door with a big box at her feet.

"Hey baby! I've missed you so much and I wanted to bring you this gift for your home." she smiled. Onika chuckled nervously, and stepped aside.

She would just have to be caught. Because if she shows any sign of anything, Carol would become suspicious and pop up whenever.

They walked into the living room, and Carols face scrunched at the sight of Beyoncé bent over, looking at a table leg.

"Yo Nic this shit bogus as fuck. It ain't even the right amount of screws in here. Where you get this shit?" Beyoncé mumbled.

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