Episode 1 part 1

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I lost him.

I just lost him too.

I keep on losing everyone who is close to me while the whole country believes I must be happy because of my title, money and fame and envies me for having it. I'm definitely anything but happy. I would gladly trade it all just to be able to hold him in my arms one more time.

I wanted to scream at him, "Please say it back." But I didn't. I was tired of begging people to love me. Honestly for what I've put him through I wouldn't deserve his love anyway.

I wanted to turn around and look this beautiful boy in his eyes once more, see how his beautiful curls, he just couldn't tame, frame his face. I wanted to run back into his arms and kiss him, but I couldn't.

I walked to the car that's supposed to escort me home, but the palace doesn't feel like home. Simon does.

I slowly got into the car and hoped that he would run up to me and tell me that he loves me too. He didn't.

Malin closed the car door behind me, the engine started and I saw Hillerska getting smaller and smaller from the car window.

He didn't say it back, but who could blame him. Actually it's all my fault. I wouldn't want to be a secret either. I would want to scream it from the rooftops that I love him, I would want to hold his hand in public and be caught making out in the hallways of Hillerska. I put him in a situation, where he had to hide again and keep our relationship a secret. He's out, I'm not and I made him feel closeted again. He had to hide his true self again.

I made him feel miserable and I understand his choice of not wanting to be anyones secret, nevertheless it still hurts. It hurts so much. Who am I supposed to blame when I've broken my own heart? When it was all my fault? When I have to face the reason of my misery every time I look in the mirror?

But I had no other choice, right?
Fuck. I regret denying him. And I fucking hate my mom for not supporting me and telling me to deny the boy I love, to deny my feelings and myself. Why the hell is this all happening to me, it's not fair.

I felt the anger rise up and felt my throat tighten. I could hardly breathe as the tears I tried to hide a few minutes ago pooled in my eyes again. I was fighting the tears, because I wasn't alone in the car. Malin and Isak, my other bodyguard, who was also the royal driver were sitting in the front seats watching my struggle in the rear view mirror.
I wanted to scream.

Focus on your breathing, Wille. Deep breaths. In and out.

When the car arrived at the palace, I was a wreck. Everyone could surely see that I cried. I rushed out of the car to get to my room as quickly as possible. I just couldn't talk to anyone in this moment. All I wanted right now was to be left alone. Apparently my mother had no understanding for my wish, because she was staring at me like I was an alien as I rushed up the stairs of the entrance and through the door without greeting or even looking at her.

I was angry with her, because she took this little piece of happiness in this shitty life of mine from me. I hated her for thinking that this love is not acceptable and that this is just a phase, but a phase would for sure not feel like this.

I heard her asking if everything was okay with me. She really had the audacity to ask me if I was okay? I ignored her and pretended I didn't hear her unnecessary question.

I fled to my room and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, so I let go and let them all stream down my face. I didn't have the strength to drag myself to my bed, so I slid down my bedroom door and dropped to the floor. Here I sat, on my floor, with my back against my door, my head on my knees, which I again hugged like I often do when I feel alone, and cried for my failed love.


Yeah!!! First chapter. I'm so happy. I hope you like it so far. Don't forget to vote and comment. I love you all.

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