Episode 2 part 1

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"Crownprince Wilhelm? Hey, crownprince Wilhelm! Can you hear me?" I heard someone shout at me. It was Malin, who was leaning over my head, trying to bring me back from my attack.

The numbness faded a bit but I still couldn't breathe properly. I tried in vain to get myself into an upright sitting position, after failing I then decided to remain lying down.

"Isak, come here. I could use some help," Malin yelled a bit in panic. I felt someone grab my arms tightly and sit me up straight. Those strong arms belonged to my other bodyguard, who was now also kneeling in front of me.

"What happened?" I heard him ask Malin worried. I wanted to answer but the words just didn't want to leave my mouth. "He's having a panic attack, I think," she replied.

"Wilhelm can you talk to us?" Malin asked calmly. No. I couldn't. I shook my head. "That's okay. Tell us when you are ready," she said understandingly.

I needed support so I clung to Malin's arm as I tried to breathe evenly again. She sat on the floor with me and sat there quietly on the cold grass while I clasped her arm. "Breathe with me. Breathe in. Breath out. Breath in. And out...," she tried to calm me down and inhaled and exhaled loudly so that I could breathe with her together.

A phone rang and Isak moved a little away from us to take the phone call. I tried to keep focusing on my breathing.

"Who was it?" Malin asked him, after he returned to us.

"That was the queen, apparently the crownprince has just revised his statement about the video in an Instagram post.", he explained.

"What? Show it to me," Malin said eagerly with an excited undertone.

Great. They were reading my statement. That doesn't make it any easier to come down.

"That's beautiful," she said touched by my words after a while.

I felt like a weight was lifted from my chest and I became calmer and calmer until I was able to speak again. "I... I can speak again," I informed them in a low and shaky voice.

"Okay. Take your time. Are you hurt somewhere? What happened?" Isak asked curiously.

I took a deep breath.
"I'm fine I guess. Respectively I'm not injured anywhere... I just destroyed the image my parents and half of the country have of the monarchy. I... I just fucked up their whole plan for my future, " I confessed.

"No, you didn't. You didn't fuck anything up. It's fine. As you have already realized, you did nothing wrong,"  Malin reassured me.

"Shouldn't you be siding with my mother?" I asked her.

"No, why should I? Our job is to protect you and that means not only giving you physical protection from possible attackers or paparazzi but we also see our job in protecting your mental health. We saw that something happened between you and Simon, we're not blind, and we also saw how happy you were thanks to him and how hurt and heartbroken you were after your breakup. We see your heartbreak and how much you suffer. You deserve so much better, especially after all you've been through," she explained.

"Thank you," I answered a bit overwhelmed.

"I'm so proud of you and I'm sure Erik would be very proud too," she added, looking over to his tombstone. Isak, who was standing right behind Malin, nodded in agreement.

Wow, that was one of the nicest things anyone ever said to me. I was tearing up again, but this time because of joy and relief, that atleast my bodyguards support me and are proud of me. I felt so valued.
My mother would never say something like that to me, I'm not good enough for her, what should she be proud of.

"Can you take me to him?... Can you take me to Simon?" I asked after a short pause of silence.

"Of course, crownprince Wilhelm. The car is parked right at the entrance," Isak replied as he helped me get up. I switched off my cell phone because it wouldn't stop buzzing and followed them as if in trance back to the car.

During the entire car drive, I couldn't think of anything else but Simon and how it would feel like to feel his soft lips on mine again. How it would be like to feel his warm  breath on my neck again, that would always give me goosebumps. And how his touch would feel like on my skin.

God, I missed him so much.

As I sat in the backseat of the car, all kinds of questions were spiraling around in my head.

What would he think about my statement?

Now that I confessed my love for Simon to the public and they know about us, would we be an official couple, with kissing and holding hands in public?

But I worried that maybe he didn't feel the same way about me and he didn't say it back because he didn't love me. Maybe it wasn't because he wanted to give me time to figure out what I want, but because he doesn't love me.
Maybe it's already too late. Handsome, smart, talented and perfect as he is, he must have hundreds of admirers waiting in the queue for him.

Or maybe he has already moved on?

No, think optimistic, Wille. It's all going to be fine, I tried to convince myself.

As the car pulled up in front of his house I got anxious again. Malin opened the door of the car for me and I tried hard not to bite my nails because I was goddamn nervous. With all these question spinning around in my head, I walked up to his door.

I stood a while infront of his door before I finally found the courage to ring the bell.


Then I heard footsteps approach the door....and the door swung open.


I think we all stan Malin and I'm sure she would totally support Wille. She definitely figured out from the start that Simon wasn't just Wille's new friend best, because these two weren't very subtle about their relationship. More supportive bodyguard scenes in season 2 is a need.

THE ROYAL LIE // Young Royals season 2Where stories live. Discover now