Episode 3 part 4

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It was just before midnight when I texted Simon from the car.

                ~I'll be there in about 5
                   minutes. I don't want to
                   ring the bell and wake up
                   your family.  Could you
                   please open the door for
                   me then? : )

~Yes, sure. Call me
   when you're here.

I called him five minutes later from outside of the door,"Hi, I'm outside"

"Yeah, wait a second," I heard him say on the phone.

Simon opened the door right after he hung up the phone.

Well that was quick.

"Hi," I said and sounded more exhausted than I intended.

"Hi," Simon smiled,"Are you hungry?" he asked as I stepped inside.

"Oh my god. YES. I'm starving," I answered and made a suffering grimace.

"You're lucky. There are some leftovers," he said and put a plate with chili from the refrigerator in the microwave.

I put the folder that my mom gave me earlier on the kitchen table and sat down at the table. I pondered what to start with. Should I start with the fact that my mother has already completely planned out our life for the next month and that this is just the beginning or that I might have promised her an interview with him. And there was so much more. I never wanted to force that on Simon. I hate the royal life and now I got him involved...The ringing of the microwave pulled me out of my thoughts.

Simon pushed a plate and cutlery in front of me and sat down next to me.

"So...How did it go. Was she very angry?" he asked sympathetically.

"Err...She was mad at me but she surprisingly didn't yell at me and...Well, I thought that it would go worse. But as the control freak she is, she has already worked out a... plan," I tried to answer his question.

"What do you mean? What plan?" he asked confused.

I pushed the folder infront of him on the table and pointed to it as I shoved in a spoonful of chili.

He opened the folder and looked very confused at it.

"So...uh...Well, my mom has this idea of proving to Sweden that the crown isn't homophobic and supports me in her head so she created this plan...," I started but struggled to find the right words that would fit best to describe her absurd plan.

I continued, "To break it down...She wants us to post atleast three times a week on our social media accounts about our relationship and we need to make public appearances together and attend all sorts of royal events at the weekends. So we are basically all the time under surveillance..."

"Hmm...It doesn't sound that bad though. We could make that social media thing work easily if we just post the content and leave the platform again. No reading comments should be rule number one to make this work. And those royal events you're talking about sound okay, too. I don't know what they are but with you on my side I think I could bear it," Simon reassured me and slightly pressed my left hand.

God. I love him so much...

"And I may have agreed on an interview together with you," I said and made a guilty looking face.
"My mom demanded another statement about my post and about our relationship and I didn't want to do another staged statement like they always make me do. Err...so I suggested an interview with you and me together and she agreed to my suggestion. She even lets me organise it myself which means I get to pick the interviewer and the location," I added quickly.

"Come on, that sounds amazing,"Simon said euphorically.

"You would be okay with it?" I asked surprised at his reaction.

"Sure, why shouldn't I? You're organizing it, so it'll be alright. And honestly, I think it could even be fun," he answered and shrugged.

"And...err...there's something else... You and your family will have to come to the palace in the next days for  paperwork. Mom wants you to sign some nondisclosure agreements and some other stuff," I looked at the table. I felt so guilty for forcing all this on him.
"I-I never wanted you to have to endure all this. This...this royal life with all the meetings, the attention, the judging...this is the life I hate and now I'm dragging you in this mess, too. I'm so sorry that I'm not able to offer you a normal teenager relationship. I'm...I'm just so sorry for forcing all this on you. I'm so, so sorry...," I added and stared at the table. Maybe I should have asked him before I put him directly in the spotlight with my statement without warning.

"Hey, hey. Look at me," I heard his soft voice whisper as he lifted up my chin with his hand.

I still avoided eye contact, because I was so close to crying and I feared that, if I would look in his eyes, I would loose it. He gently caressed my cheek with his hand and I dared to look at him.

"It's okay. You're worth it. It's all worth it if that means I can be with you. Listen, I love you so, so much. You didn't force anything on me. I was the one who made the first step and kissed you, remember? I knew what I was getting myself into," he reassured me while laying his soft gaze on me.

Simon let go of my chin and instead took both my hands and pressed them slightly.

I just realized that I was crying. Tears were streaming down my face. Tears of joy, of relief, of regret, of anger, of grief... It all broke in over me. All my jammed emotions from the last days united in this very moment in Simon's kitchen in the middle of the night.

Simon wiped away my tears with his thumb, "Do you wanna cuddle?" He asked smilingly.

I nodded and caught myself smiling through my tears.


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