Episode 2 part 4

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It was already after midnight when Sara said goodbye to us and retreated to her room to go to sleep.

I had to yawn. This day was so long and so many things happened today and panic attacks always make me extra tired.

"Today was very eventful for the both of you, I think you definitely could use some sleep. I don't know about you, Wilhelm but Simon did  barely sleep the last week. I think you must have had a similar experience," Linda said.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep very well. Yeah, it was...yeah...I'm really tired," I decided against telling them about my nightmares. I think it's inevitable to tell Simon at some point because the nightmares with Erik aren't just gonna magically disappear but I don't want to make him worry about my problems right now.

"I'm gonna go grab a mattress for you to sleep on. You can sleep in Simon's room but the door stays open," she said and gave us a warning look.

"Thank you, for letting me stay here...thank you for everything," I said to her and looked thankfully at Simon's mom.

She smiled in my direction as she stood up from the armchair and disappeared behind the corner.

I leaned sideways on Simon's shoulder sitting next to me on the couch and played with his left hand, crossing his fingers with mine over and over again.

Perhaps less than a minute later, Simon's mother came walking triumphantly around the corner with a large white mattress in tow.

"Simon, can you get the sheets and a blanket from the laundry?" she said to him.

"Sí, Mamá," Simon answered and stood up.

I was a bit sad about him leaving the couch because I really liked the position we stayed in. It was so cuddly and I got to touch and hold his soft hands...Okay, stop. Try to think about something else...But-but those hands tousling my hair while kissing- "Can I help too?" I asked Linda hoping it would distract my thoughts.

"Err...yes. You could actually help me carry the mattress to Simon's room. It's quit unwieldy," Linda replied facilitated.

"Sure," I stood up and grabbed the front part of the mattress. We carried it into Simon's room and placed it right next to his bed.

Just as we finished arranging the mattress, Simon walked into the room with a big, cozy looking dark blue comforter and a red sheet.

"I think you guys can make the bed by yourself, I'm going to sleep now I have to be back in the hospital in a few hours. Simon, my shift starts in the morning, so I'll be gone by the time you get up but I'll probably be home in the afternoon," she said and as she walked out of the room she opened the door to the maximum and looked first at the door and then at both of us warningly,"Good night you two"

"Good night, Linda," I responded.

"Buenas noches, mamá," Simon said. At least I understood what he was saying now. I really want him to teach me some Spanish some time.

"Does your mom work at the hospital?" I asked.

"Yes, she's a nurse and has to work nearly all the time. She often has night shifts and therefore often sleeps during the day while we're at school. But this year she managed to get a few days off during the holidays," he responded.

"God, I missed you so much," Simon said as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I missed you too," I answered, taking a deep breath and inhaling his sweet scent.

"So...I didn't bring anything with me. No toothbrush, no change of clothes, no charger for my phone. Nothing," I stated.

He chuckled and went over to his closet,"Let's see..." He pulled a blue shirt out of his closet, held it up and first looked at the shirt and then at me before shaking his head and putting it back in his closet again.
"I think this one will fit you," He said and held up a dark grey Nirvana t-shirt with a yellow print on the front.

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