Episode 3 part 5

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I was woken up by something tickling my face. I slowly came back to my senses and when I opened my eyes I was blinded by the morning sun shining through Simon's window. After blinking for a few times I saw Simon hovering slightly over me and kissing my face. He placed quick kisses all over my face on my cheekbones, my forehead, my chin, my temple, my nose...
He kissed me like his aim was to have kissed every inch of my face.

"Good morning," I said while probably smiling like an idiot.

"Hi," he answered and started kissing my cheek.

"I could get used to waking up like this," I stated and managed to catch his face just as he was about to move his lips from my cheek to my temple. I guided his lips down to mine and kissed him slowly.

"Is your mom home?" I asked after I broke away from him.

"Why?" he asked while smiling mischievously.

"I'm just curious," I lied and shrugged.

"I'm so sorry to disappoint you but  today's her day off. I heard her getting up about two hours ago or something," he said.

"Two hours ago? What time is it?" I asked a bit confused. I was so tired it couldn't be much later than early morning I thought.

Simon rolled to the side and took a look at his phone,"It's nearly 12pm"

"Wow, okay. I think we should get up," I said and placed one more kiss on his lips before getting off his bed.

"Come back," Simon whined and theatrically stretched out an arm for me.

I smiled and threw a pillow that was laying on the floor at him,"You're such an idiot."

"I love you too," he joked smilingly while crawling out of his bed.

"Good morning, Linda," I greeted Simon's mom who was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand, watching a movie on television.

"Buenos días, mamá," Simon said and placed a kiss on her cheek as he followed me into the living room.

"Good morning you two. Did you both sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I could have slept a few more hours," I answered and couldn't supress a yawn which made her chuckle.

"Did you eat yet?"Simon asked his mom.

"Yes," she answered and pointed at an empty plate next to her.

"Okay, we're making breakfast for us," he answered before taking my hand and guiding me into the kitchen.

"Does your sister wanna eat something too?" I asked as I took two eggs out of the refrigerator.

"She's not here. She told me yesterday that she is going to see Felice today,"

"Oh. Felice... I have to talk to her too," I said absently.

"Oh. I didn't know you were this close to her," Simon said.

"Err...I'm not really that close to her. We went to the same preschool and she figured out that it was August and since then she has been kinda checking on me," I answered.

"What did August do?" Simon asked confused.

"Err...He...He is the one who recorded and released the video of us," I answered.

"He did WHAT?" Simon asked in disbelief.

"I-I thought you knew it," I said.

"Who should have told me?" He asked and I could sense his anger rising.

"I-I don't know...Maybe Felice or...I don't know," I said and looked down at the floor.

"Or maybe you should have told me," he answered disappointed.

"I'm sorry..."I said while still looking at the floor.

"Yes, you should be,"he turned away from me and propped his hands on the kitchen counter. He took a deep breath before turning to face me again.

"Why did he do it? I know that he doesn't like me but he's your family. So why did he do that to you?" he asked while searching for my gaze.

"When I found out, I confronted him and he didn't say anything except that he was sorry. Like, what the fuck. As if being sorry could change what he did. I think he's basically just jealous of the family I was born into and my title and the attention I'm getting and well, the money obviously... But little does he know how much all this sucks...Ah. And he has a thing for Felice but she was kinda into me back then and he figured that out...It's basically all just some fucking jealousy thing"

"Wow. I fucking hate him. I wanna punch him in his face so badly right now. Does your mom know that it was August? Is he getting punished?" Simon longed to know.

I ran my fingers through my hair in desperation and took a deep breath,"She knows and she's not punishing that fucking traitor"

"But can't WE do something? How did Felice figure out that August did it? We could maybe go to the police," Simon suggested.

"His phone camera is broken and Felice recognized some pixels in our video that are the same as on his Insta posts," I responded
"But the video isn't online anymore and mom is more powerful than you might think. When she doesn't want him to get punished, he won't."

"Fuck....Well at least I don't have to see him in school anymore. He can't pay for his school fees. He can't return after the holidays. That's at least somewhat of a little punishment for him," Simon said and I knew what I was gonna say next wouldn't make him happy.

"Err. About that...I paid his school fees,"
"But it was before he released the video," I added quickly.

"You did what? Why did you do this?"
He asked confused.

"I pointed out his financial problems infront of his friends and used it to demonstrate my power, to get what I wanted.  But abusing my title like this..that's just absolutely not me and I felt so bad about it afterwards. I just wanted to make amends," I explained.

"But you already knew how he treated me...that he wanted to  blame the thing with the drugs all on me and that he said some nasty things to me, right?" He asked.

"August is...was family and he told me that he would always be there for me and I had already lost..." my brother I thought but stopped before saying it out loud.

Simon turned around and babbled something I couldn't understand

"I-I have to think and process everything you've just told me. I need to take a walk or something," he said a bit louder than the babbling before and walked absently to the door.

"Please don't go. Simon... please... don't break up with me," I stuttered anxiously.

"I'm not breaking up with you. What do you take me for. I don't run away at the first inconvenience that arises. I just need some time alone right now, okay? I'll be back in a few hours, I promise," he reassured me before disappearing through the door.

He was gone.

And the day had started so well.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated for such a long time but I caught Covid last week and I was feeling like shit. I'm still feeling like shit but it's getting better : )

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