Prison world ❤️

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"Stay back" Damon said worryingly
"I'm a witch they can't do anything to me" I say proudly
Damon and I slowly walk over into isle 4 whilst bonnie stays back
A strange deep voice says "manners I'm Kai"
As we peek through the corner I see a man
Short hair to the side
Ocean blue eyes
Pale skin
He looked hot.
But I'm with Stefan and I'm not a cheater! I thought in my head
Damon rushes over to Kai trying to snap his neck
"Woah calm down I'm not here to harm you" Kai says
"What do you want and why are you here and how did you get here" Damon says angrily
I stand there looking confused
"Why so many questions" Kai questioned
"I wouldn't annoy Damon you don't want to get on his bad side" I say
"Ooo and who are you" Kai says looking into your eyes
"My name is Y/N"
"Such a pretty face and name you have" Kai says exploring your features with his eyes
"I have a boyfriend" I say proudly
"Enough flirting you two, I want to know why you are here!" Damon says angrily
"I'll explain later take a drink because my story is a lot to take in both of you" Kai says with a smirk
(Kai put poison and vervain in all the drinks)
You and Damon both take a drink of the bourbon
Damon screams in pain and you drop to the floor ,
(You passed out)
A few hours later
You wake up on the couch in the Salvatore house to Kai caressing your face
"Ew get off of me I have a boyfriend" you say angrily
"Why is he still here he poisoned me and put vervain in Damon's bourbon" you say looking at Damon
"He is still here because he can help us to get out of this world" Damon says happily
A few minutes later
(Kai explained to you about how we are going to get out of here)
"So I have to do a spell and you need mine or Bonnies blood so you can only use Bennett blood" I say
"Yes" Kai replies
"Okay so what are we waiting for" I say happily
"Damon,you and bonnie grab the supplies and me and Kai can stay here and practice for the spell" I say
"Are you sure you want to stay with Kai by your self Y/N" bonnie says looking worryingly at you
"I'll be fine I'm sure Kai isn't that bad" I say
Kai looks at you with a smile
Bonnie and Damon left
"Thank you" Kai says
"For what?" I say
"For seeing me for someone different" he says
"Kai you are still human,I know you killed your family and that's bad but I understand your situation your family hated you for being a siphon but if they just listened to you they would of seen past that they would of seen that your just a boy who just wanted to be loved" I say
He looks at me and then at my lips
He leans in and kisses me I kiss him back
He starts to take my clothes off but then the door opens
I quickly tidy myself up
"We are back" bonnie says
"I think I'm going to go to bed it's getting late" I say
"Goodnight" Damon and bonnie say
I run upstairs and look in the mirror
What was I thinking
You here a knock on the door
"Can I come in" Kai says

Lost in his words (Kai Parker fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now