You meet Kai in the prison world and this is where your story with Kai begins :)
He is very kind to you
You find him very sweet
You believe in him when no one else does
You love him very much and he loves you very much too
"You can come in" "Can we talk about the kiss" Kai says "Kai there's nothing to talk about you kissed me I kissed back" "I'm with Stefan I love him"you say looking at your feet "It wasn't nothing I felt something and I know you did" Kai says looking sad "I- i don't know what to say" you say "Can we just be friends" I say looking at him with hope "I guess we can but just don't lead me on like that again I don't want to get hurt" Kai says You both hug and brush it off "Kai do you want to sleep with me in my bed?" You say "Sure if that's okay with you" he says "Of course it is" You go into the shower And then get in stefans bed Where you find Kai already asleep You watch him sleep until you fall asleep yourself ——————————————————————————————— The next morning You find yourself hugging Kai like he was a teddy bear You quickly move yourself and then Kai wakes up "Morning Sunshine"he says in his sleepy voice That was hot I thought to myself but I'm with Stefan get that into your stupid head 😀 You finally get out of bed after staring into kai's eyes He gets up behind you and hugs you from behind "Kai you have to stop I'm with Stefan" "I know but I've never had any one give me so much attention before it's warming" he says putting his head on you shoulders You get some clothes and get into the shower After you shower you wrap the towel around you and walk into the bedroom to get changed Kai is just sitting on the bed staring you up and down "Kai you need to get out of the room I need to get dressed" "Ill close my eyes" he says with a smile You quickly get dressed Kai peeks "KAI I SAW THAT" you say laughing He laughs and you both go downstairs to see Damon and bonnie looking at you and kai then both of them look at each other "Erm Y/N you know my brother is waiting at home for you" Damon says "What me and kai are not a thing we are just friends" you look at Damon annoyed "Anyways are you guys ready to go home" bonnie says A few mins later you are doing a locator spell to find the ascendant "Huh why does it say it's in mystic falls" Kai says confused "It's in Portland" Kai says with a smirk You get your hand and place it on Kai's pocket "It's right here" I say confused Kai and you look into each-others eyes And Kai just smirks You get the ascendant and you,bonnie,Damon and Kai walk to the tunnel and wait for the eclipse "I have a surprise for you" Kai says smiling at you He unzips his backpack and pulls out a teddy bear
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You smile and run to him to hug him "MY TEDDY BEAR FROM WHEN I WAS LITTLE" YOU SCREAM "WAIT HOW DID YOU KNOW I HAD THIS" you say confused "Well a little birdie told me that you loved it when you was a kid and that you lost it so I went to you house to find it" he says smiling Bonnie looks at you and smiles The eclipse appears "Let's start the spell and go home!" Damon says excited to see Elena And his brother he's been talking about them non stop but so have I I don't blame him we all miss them You finish the spell and you and Kai hold hands and Damon and bonnie A bright light flashes and your finally back in mystic falls.