Love triangle (AGAIN) 😍

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You wake up lying on Kai
"Hi" you say softly
"Hi sunshine" Kai replies
"Do you want to get breakfast?" Kai questions
"Sure" you smile at Kai*
"Why are you staring" he says
"Just admiring your handsome face"
He kisses you and you kiss back
"Okay we need to get up" I say
As I get up Kai pulls me back and kisses me
"Kai we need to get up" I say
Me and Kai finally get up after hugging and kissing for a few minutes
You get dressed and do your hair nice

You wake up lying on Kai "Hi" you say softly"Hi sunshine" Kai replies"Do you want to get breakfast?" Kai questions"Sure" you smile at Kai*"Why are you staring" he says"Just admiring your handsome face" He kisses you and you kiss back "Okay we need...

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Your hair ⬆️
Your clothes⬇️

Kai got dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans with gold rings ——————————————————————————————-We arrived at the dinerI had pancakes and Kai had a full English "So is this a date" Kai says "I mean I'm over Stefan but I don't want to rush what we h...

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Kai got dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans with gold rings
We arrived at the diner
I had pancakes and Kai had a full English
"So is this a date" Kai says
"I mean I'm over Stefan but I don't want to rush what we have" i say
"I understand I don't want to rush either" Kai replies
"But I guess we can call it a date" I say smiling at him
Stefan called for the 400th time
"Just answer the phone you two need to sort things out" Kai says
"I'll be back in a min"
You step outside the diner
"What do you want" you say
"I'm sorry" Stefan says
"I know you have been saying that in the 300 voicemails you sent"
"Just please come back to mystic falls so we can talk about it
I still love you" Stefan says
"I'll think about it"
You end the call
Kai comes outside
"Are you ready to go?" Kai questions
You both get in the car
"So I was thinking can we go back to mystic falls Stefan wants to talk"
"Sure" Kai replies
You arrive in mystic falls
"Are you ready" Kai says
"I think so"
"I just don't want to break his heart" you say looking sad
"Let's Go in I'll hold your hand" Kai looks at you and smiles
You knock on the door
Elena answers
"Are you okay Y/N" she says
"Stefan was worried"
"I bet he was, anyway where is he" you say
"In the kitchen" she replies
You enter the kitchen with Kai still holding your hand
"I don't think have officially met yet" Stefan says
"I'm Kai" he says and then kisses you on the cheek
"Okay Kai you can leave now" you say
"Bye" he says
"So you two are a thing now" Stefan says
"Are you and Caroline a thing"
Stefans just stayed silent
"So are you going to talk or what" you say
"Look I'm sorry but"
You cut him off
"So how long have you been fucking Caroline" you say angrily
Stefan is speechless
"How long?Are you going to spit it out if not I do know where the front door is" you say with sass
"Look after you left I mourned  you for weeks until I finally thought you was actually gone and I needed to move on"
"So you let Caroline be your distraction and you two were doing it instead of finding a way to get me out of that prison world"
I say angrily
"Stefan I'm sorry but we are done for good, get with Caroline I don't care anymore because if you were a good boyfriend you would of never got with Caroline and you would of been finding a way to get me out of that prison world let's be real you would of never loved me like you loved Elena" you slam the door and shout Kai
"We're going"
"Are you not going to stay for dinner" Damon says
I hug him
"I cannot deal with your brother anymore we are done"
You say
"Ever since we left he changed massively"
He hugs you back
"I'm sorry I'll try to talk some sense into him"
You thank him and then open the door to leave
Oh god not her you thought

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